I guess you're implying "free expansions" like Traveley, Burthrope, and Silvarea. I guess that works. I misunderstood the term you used for expansions. Usually, what I mentioned was in terms of paid expansions, which I was assuming originally. Entrana and Zanaris could work. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
One example is in a different game, like Final Fantasy XIV. FF14: Realm Reborn is the base game, while expansions that expand the stories are each one-time free. After the realm was reborn, it became Heavensword, which was a paid expansion. Heavensword would follow up by increasing the level cap by 10 and adding more content. Later, paid expansions followed one after another, like adding linear chapters to a never-ending story. Another game is The Witcher 3, which has two paid expansions. You can buy one, the other, or both as a complete edition to expand on the game. That is what I was asking what type of paid expansion.
That's a good idea to focus on Entrana and Zanaris, either paid or free. I like it.
Bit off the tangent:
I wish in future Jagex could take the FF14 approach to expansion if they tried to adapt, even if in small chunks. I know there can be balancing problems, so Jagex has smart people on its team to find a solution. Either have a world or restrict "PvP to base-free equipment". Membership will be the better route and will have all content, while expansion will be a small slice and restricted.
04-Jul-2023 23:17:50