Taverley Dungeon is in the Tutorial Area. The less things that are members in the tutorial the better.
Making Taverley Dungeon f2p for that reason alone, is a good enough reason.
Heroes' Quest requirements are looking to get lowered, making it more f2p friendly.
The quest start point is in the Tutorial Area (Less members stuff)
It requires Dragon Slayer, Heroes' Quest can become the big f2p quest.
We will have to wait until Heroes' Quest requirements gets reduced in-game to know if they made any more changes to the requirements.
F2p will however need Taverley Dungeon and Brimhaven.
Giving F2p all of Brimhaven.. Hmm...
Most areas requires Agility which f2p can't do.
Poison is a big part of the area, which isn't a thing in f2p.
Jungle Potion would become a f2p quest, this is good.
F2p Nature Runes, sweet awesome. Making the runes will still be hard due to no bank.
I would not give them Tai Bwo Wannai Trio. f2p need Agility. Herblore and Posion. No keep that quest members.
F2p needs a quests series, I talked how Agility and Thieving would need to be f2p in order to do so. The Troll series requires those skills.
Rune Memories as a f2p, yes why is this quest still members? Enough time has passed to make the quest f2p.
As for What Lies Below. Enter the Abyss, yes makes those f2p, along with the Hunt for Surok as well.
Carwen Essencebinder should count on the members game, even without making the quest f2p.
Other quests I suggest are.
All Fired Up, Buyers and Cellars, Impressing the Locals, Recruitment Drive, Rag and Bone Man, Tears of Guthix and Lost City,
Mage Training Arena, No way to OP for the F2p PvP. (Which does exist, it's more alive than Members PvP.) They could keep the rewards members thou.
Making Family Crests f2p. That is interesting needs to have more to be worth the effort. We are changing the quest in the members game and for what?
Agility. Thieving and Herblore are the most useful skills for the f2p game. If they where level 20.
10-Jul-2023 01:57:15
- Last edited on
10-Jul-2023 02:05:52