Enchanted Jewellery:
Luck - is f2p, with the rework stu made it crftable by f2p.
metamorphosis - used when catching butterflies barehanded, not usable in f2p.
respawn - Teleport to locations where the player can respawn in when having died. should be limited to burthope and Lumbride only? maybe include falador?
Columbarium - used when killing Vyrewatch, not usable in f2p.
recoil - was made f2p already.
duelling - Offers teleports to the Duel Arena and Fist of Guthix.
forging - Smelt iron with 1 ore instead of 2.
life - teleport to respawn point when health is low.
Featherfingered - Used when caught Thieving. Could be used by f2p, but why would you do thieving in f2p?
Traveller's - Teleport to the Wizards' Tower.
gluttony - Food eaten grants an additional 100 life points.
Games - was made f2p already.
Binding - 100% success in making combination runes, those remain members only.
Digsite - Teleport to the Digsite. The spell to enchant it is learned during the Varrock Museum miniquest, so it remains members only.
Phoenix - Automatically restores wearer's life points if their life points drop.
bountiful harvest - Chance to conserve seeds when planting in an allotment patch. Botanist's - Chance to brew a 4-dose potion.
Enlightened - Teleport to either The Nexus or south of the Graveyard of Shadows.
Headhunter's sacrifice & thrill- Affects kill counter on a Slayer assignment, so simillar to Featherfingered.
Flamtaer - used in the Shades of Mort'ton minigame, members only.
clay - was made f2p already.
Castle wars - should remain members only, unless the minigame becomes f2p.
Inoculation - Protects from poison damage, not existing in f2p.
Forinthry - Nullify damage from revenants for 1 minute, and render them non-aggressive for 1 hour.
03-Jan-2019 00:16:18