
(F2P) QoL Improvements v2

Quick find code: 185-186-269-66062546

Seasons Past

Seasons Past

Posts: 559 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

My favorite of the suggestions in this thread is the addition of staves created with the Fletching skill. I think that this suggestion would greatly improve consistency between combat styles if implemented. It would also make Fletching more useful to free players. I also like your proposals for many current staves to be buffed, mystic staves to become tier-55 and P2P, and basic battlestaves (but not elemental battlestaves) to become F2P.

I support most of your suggestions for Dungeoneering. However, I’m not sure that I agree that players should be able to equip the tome of frost in the pocket slot unless the functionality of the tome is changed. I feel that balancing requires that the tome of frost must be equipped as an off-hand, as the advantage of unlimited usage of water runes is offset by the limited capabilities of the tome in combat due to the low stats of the tome.

Everything else looks good to me. I haven’t examined every suggestion in detail, so I’ll probably return to this thread later. I appreciate that you’ve taken the time to create such a comprehensive list of improvements, and I hope that more of these suggestions are implemented in-game.
Spirit of Forinthry ~ Runecrafting: Magic Armour ~ F2P Extensions ~ Dragon Slayer improvements ~ New Player Experience

28-Dec-2018 09:15:03

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 9,169 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Heya and thanks a lot for your input:

I think some kind of rework for the tome of frost is in order due to multiple reasons:

- It took quite a few hits due to updates over the course of years, sometimes directly (e.g. desert heat immunity from crocodile tears), sometimes indirectly (you shouldn't forget that you naturally were able to combine it with an elemental staff, actually opening up dual rune combinations containing air runes and most triple element ones as a member in addition). My first approach was simply buffing it into a more useful tier (55), but since that was occupied by a gravite item meanwhile I tried to make it better in terms of utility. This idea was born as they allowed to turn the poison totem (which was and is entirely useless as an off-hand item as soon as you want more than just the poison immunity) likewise into a pocket variant.
- It is extremely expensive and has fairly high level requirements (basically you're at least level 64 dungeoneering by the time you got the tokens, implying you didn't bought anything else). That might've been adequate at the time it was released (since it was the only magic off-hand item f2ps had available for instance), but it certainly isn't anymore.
- At least for members they got a better tool for getting free elemental runes in non-combat situations meanwhile with the elemental battlestaff, providing all 4 runes at once.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts. I'd be glad to see more of them.
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

29-Dec-2018 06:24:53 - Last edited on 29-Dec-2018 06:29:01 by Rikornak

Seasons Past

Seasons Past

Posts: 559 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thanks for your reply. I agree that the tome of frost could use a rework. I also agree that the best way to make the tome desirable would probably consist of a buff to the general utility of the tome rather than to the stats of the item alone. I’ll post again if I have ideas for how the item could be more useful.

I also wanted to share a suggestion concerning the use of Runecrafting urns by free players. My suggestion is for a type of F2P rune, such as a mind rune, to be used instead of pure essence to activate Runecrafting urn variants. I’m not sure whether players can activate Runecrafting urns on free servers, but the requirement of a members’ item for activation is inappropriate regardless. Runecrafting urns from cracked through regular are F2P items that are used with a F2P skill, and the need of pure essence for the use of the urns is an arbitrary hindrance.

Thanks for reading, and let me know what you think about my suggestion.
Spirit of Forinthry ~ Runecrafting: Magic Armour ~ F2P Extensions ~ Dragon Slayer improvements ~ New Player Experience

31-Dec-2018 23:44:30



Posts: 3,805 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think the pure essence requirement would have been fine if there was a consistent, non-combat means of obtaining it in F2P, without having to resort to the GE. Since the price of pure essence is now even lower than rune essence, the original purpose of distinguishing rune and pure essence, to counter F2P bot farms, has been rendered nugatory. Perhaps it would be better to just revert to a single type of essence.

01-Jan-2019 04:17:12

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 9,169 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This (getting rid of pure essence) was something I suggested for the mining/smithing rework just because of those issues. I am not sure if it had been taken into account, but we'll see it on January 7th. The only thing I know for sure they'll fix is this bug, that a bronze pick is actually faster, than any other.

I think there might be a few more exotic things, that could be broken by this change, but there is nothing, which would justify the existence of this essence anymore to be honest. If a membership bonus absolutely has to be maintained they could introduce essence clusters, which can be broken down to multiple essences.
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

01-Jan-2019 07:30:43

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 9,169 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If it won't be changed I'll list it in here specifically alongside my other beta suggestions.


- The sheer existence of pure essence currently is a punishment for being a member (it's worth less than the regular for quite a long time now): Either remove it entirely and replace every application by rune essence again or make it more valuable by granting a chance on a double rune proc for instance. The former solution would also fix the issue free ironmen aren't able to create runecrafting urns.


- Allow players to learn how to smith defenders they've already obtained once up to rune. Losing a high levelled defender should hurt, but some small-ish catch up could exist this way.
- Iron spits do no longer seem to be present under iron misc stuff. Allow free players to smith them as well.


- The dwarven army axe is comparable to a steel pickaxe in live. Was the nerf to bronze intended?
- Lapis lazuli are now considered regular semi-precious gems and can be found while opening geodes or mining low levelled gem rocks. They're slightly higher levelled than opal, but lower than jade. The dwarven army axe is no longer required to find them, but it boosts the chance of obtaining geodes while mining common gem, copper and tin rocks instead.
- Wooden knots are now tradeable and can also be rarely obtained from regular trees without using the axe. The axe now boosts the chance to obtain knots to current rates.
- The lapis lazuli brooch now features a +1 all style bonus. Make it available to free players.
- Change all unenchanted silver and gold up to diamond jewellery to f2p items.
- Make the following enchanted jewellery items available to f2p: Ring of luck, Ring of respawn, ring of forging, ring of life, Traveller's necklace (only wizard tower unlocked), Necklace of gluttony, Phoenix necklace and forinthy brace.

I need to evaluate what was changed for the live release compared to beta as soon as it is live then.
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

01-Jan-2019 07:33:20 - Last edited on 02-Jan-2019 22:47:28 by Rikornak



Posts: 123 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Rikornak said :
This (getting rid of pure essence) was something I suggested for the mining/smithing rework just because of those issues.
I suggested it as well, but Jack confirmed it won't be as it's not smithing related.
Rikornak said :
- Iron spits do no longer seem to be present under iron misc stuff. Allow free players to smith them as well.
It was a bug, but they won't be changing it to f2p just yet.

For Crafting my comments are after the ~:
- The dwarven army axe is comparable to a steel pickaxe in live. Was the nerf to bronze intended? ~ in short, yes. More like iron is the intnded design, but they don't seem to care about it.
- Lapis lazuli are now considered regular semi-precious gems and can be found while opening geodes or mining low levelled gem rocks. They're slightly higher levelled than opal, but lower than jade. ~ Jack decided to not include it in eodes, despite players proposal.
The dwarven army axe is no longer required to find them, but it boosts the chance of obtaining geodes while mining common gem, copper and tin rocks instead. ~Never was intended to do so. also, would break the point of the new mechanics which are pushing you to move on to next tier.
- Wooden knots are now tradeable and can also be rarely obtained from regular trees without using the axe. The axe now boosts the chance to obtain knots to current rates.
- The lapis lazuli brooch now features a +1 all style bonus. Make it available to free players.~it's basically your old suggestion, with the Geodes being considered.
- Change all unenchanted silver and gold up to diamond jewellery to f2p items.
- Make the following enchanted jewellery items available to f2p: Ring of luck, Ring of respawn, ring of life, Traveller's necklace (only wizard tower unlocked), Necklace of gluttony, Phoenix necklace and forinthy brace.~I need to recap hat effects each jewellery has, but why not make ring of forging f2p?

02-Jan-2019 21:07:41 - Last edited on 02-Jan-2019 21:08:49 by schlesy

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 9,169 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I guess not getting rid of pure essence for now is annoying, but I'll add it to the list then and hope it'll eventually happen.

Yeah - most dwarven army axe stuff basically were the suggestions I already had in here evolved to a more modern state wherever fitting (in general working with geodes instead of semi precious gems).

A bit of commentary:

- I guess if they want to nerf it to the ground that is fine to me. It finally won't be a membership hook anyway anymore and it lost a lot of functionality already over the course of years. But then it should focus on bonuses to low levelled activities and not stuff that is sorta required.
- I doubt a slightly increased geode chance (basically 6 instead of 5 % per swing) would keep players at lower levelled rocks (unless they're just up to getting gems, as I am not even sure where gem rocks will be distributed (except for the locations we already can find them)). Actually the ability to get lapis exclusively from them will do that moreso.
- As for jewellery stuff:
* Luck: Tier 1 luck
* Respawn: Teleports to unlocked respawn locations
* Life: teleports you to your respawn location with less than 10 % health
* Traveller: Teleports
* Gluttony: Boosts foods by 100 health per bite
* Phoenix: Heals you by 30 % when your health drops below 20 %
* Forinthy: can be used to nullify all damage taken from revenants for a while
- Ring of forging certainly was an oversight from my side and I'll include it in that list then.
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

02-Jan-2019 22:47:06 - Last edited on 02-Jan-2019 22:53:22 by Rikornak



Posts: 123 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Enchanted Jewellery:
Luck - is f2p, with the rework stu made it crftable by f2p.
metamorphosis - used when catching butterflies barehanded, not usable in f2p.
respawn - Teleport to locations where the player can respawn in when having died. should be limited to burthope and Lumbride only? maybe include falador?
Columbarium - used when killing Vyrewatch, not usable in f2p.
recoil - was made f2p already.
duelling - Offers teleports to the Duel Arena and Fist of Guthix.
forging - Smelt iron with 1 ore instead of 2.
life - teleport to respawn point when health is low.

Featherfingered - Used when caught Thieving. Could be used by f2p, but why would you do thieving in f2p?
Traveller's - Teleport to the Wizards' Tower.
gluttony - Food eaten grants an additional 100 life points.
Games - was made f2p already.
Binding - 100% success in making combination runes, those remain members only.
Digsite - Teleport to the Digsite. The spell to enchant it is learned during the Varrock Museum miniquest, so it remains members only.
Phoenix - Automatically restores wearer's life points if their life points drop.

bountiful harvest - Chance to conserve seeds when planting in an allotment patch. Botanist's - Chance to brew a 4-dose potion.
Enlightened - Teleport to either The Nexus or south of the Graveyard of Shadows.

Headhunter's sacrifice & thrill- Affects kill counter on a Slayer assignment, so simillar to Featherfingered.
Flamtaer - used in the Shades of Mort'ton minigame, members only.
clay - was made f2p already.
Castle wars - should remain members only, unless the minigame becomes f2p.
Inoculation - Protects from poison damage, not existing in f2p.
Forinthry - Nullify damage from revenants for 1 minute, and render them non-aggressive for 1 hour.

03-Jan-2019 00:16:18

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