They endorse the use of it and i'm sure mods probably use it so now it all makes sense....if they don't care to do anything about it then it practically forces people to follow suit and use it too. Therefore, you add that "use at your own risk" to the whole runescape community. It shouldn't even be a debate as to rather this should be forbidden. Also, to say they can't detect it is a convenient excuse in my opinion. You can even view how long it takes people to complete each clue scroll right here in the forums and i'm sure elsewhere. Look how long it takes me to do it the legit way and compare it to alt1 users....If they just want to enable the use of it then why should I have to suffer to not use it. Honestly, I'm considering it now myself because why should I have to suffer and spend more time to do clues while mods allow Alt1. Alot of other games forbid the use of 3rd party programs that allow you to basically cheese your way through content. People have already took advantage with alt1 for years so the damage is irreversible so I guess their stance on this wont ever change.
02-Sep-2021 18:18:33