Music tracks
The following tracks have a different unlock hint in-game than what the Wiki says.
Unlock hint
- TzHaar!
TzHaar City
Fight Caves
- Fire and Brimstone
TzHaar City
Fight Pit
- Misthalin Mood I & III
East of Varrock
- Neverland
Tree Gnome Village
Tree Gnome Stronghold
- Alone
Ice Mountains
Also Clock Tower dungeon
- Zamorak Zoo
God Wars Dungeon
Also Dishonour among Thieves
- Time to Mine
Between a Rock...
Keldagrim south-west mine (starting point of
said quest and The Giant Dwarf)
- Throne of the Demon
Shadow of the Storm
The Golem
The following tracks are quest-tied according to the hint
- Darkmeyer: also during Darkness of Hallowvale? The Wiki got this piece of info added eight years ago, is it still correct?
- Mellow: also during Fishing Contest? Only the page on the quest references that, the page on the track only mentions the Fishing Guild.