
The Wiki will still need you!

Quick find code: 14-15-651-66145005

Kings Abbot

Kings Abbot

Posts: 10,794 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-- Incoming transmission! --

Ah, Nighthawk,

Since this place will get nuked from orbit soon, I have copied the important stuff over to my Wiki user page, which can be found here:

Remember please!

Feel free to bother me there on the discussion page (click the 'discuss' tab above the title) with whatever you bothered me here with.

You can also find me in-game; although I usually log in every day, it's not more than an hour in the late afternoon on weekdays Central European Time. Weekends are either in the morning or the afternoon, and lasts around two hours.
My private chat is open to anyone, except for those (well, only one) who are on my ignore list (you know who you are!).

I'm also saving all the pages as .html files on my pc, so they won't be lost during the fallout. I'm happy that the gifs even play if they were clicked open here when saving the page. It's a small light point in this coming darkness.
(That's no reason to start playing 'Violet's Celebration', iTunes. Some tact and respect would be welcome. Thanks Obama Apple!


-- Transmission End --
Kings Eastwood in
music by Trewavio Morricone


27-Feb-2020 20:02:53 - Last edited on 20-Jan-2024 09:56:54 by Kings Abbot

Kings Abbot

Kings Abbot

Posts: 10,794 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Welcome to the new iteration of this thread with some more opening posts!

No no! Don't run away now!

The slogan of this place could be the following:

Thanks to I-can't-remember-who for making a wordcloud in which this treasure was found.

The RS Wiki has some missing info, and since those talk pages aren't visited, the info needed isn't acquired very fast or at all. Therefore I ask some unknown knowledge here, on the forums, where there are people doing stuff.
If you casually know something or are very bored and don't know what to do, please post your findings.

Current topics:

- Agaroth

- Music tracks

- F2prost dungragons

- Arc Birds spawn

- Vial shenanigans

- Champion's Challenge life point inconsistencies

- Missing augmented elite sirnic hauberk/chaps info

- One Small Wiki Favour

In the end, you can also find older stuff that used to be a topic here.

Current specials

- What's the weight and examine of the extreme prayer potions (1, 2, 3 & 4-dose)?
Kings Eastwood in
music by Trewavio Morricone


27-Feb-2020 20:03:03 - Last edited on 20-Jan-2024 09:34:42 by Kings Abbot

Kings Abbot

Kings Abbot

Posts: 10,794 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- The coins reward seems to be double the amount of maximum bonus xp that the black pearl can give, but some exceptions seem to exist. This is what CM Nick got me:
Original message details are unavailable.

Got an answer back from the Dev Team on this thanks to Mod Gambit floating it their way.

“The addition of the Invention skill caused the Black Pearl bonus XP item to stop working properly. On November 18th, we patched it to correctly calculate the amount of experience given. The maximum bonus XP now appears correctly, calculating from non-elite skills. The coin value is based on the bonus XP you would have received and then doubled – hence the change in amount.”

Cheers :D

Also, it's bugged now and doesn't follow this calculation anymore. From the data given to me in the previous thread, the amount of gp is calculated (double) from what a (prismatic) medium fallen star would give when used in Invention, even if your Invention level is 1 and you have a 99 in another skill (like me).
This is the data:
Me: up to 20 645 bonus xp (level 99 for Magic), 1 494 coins (double of 747 bxp for level 1 Invention)
Twillow: , 20 645 bonus xp for level 99+, 25 078 coins (double of 12 538.8 bxp for level 98+ Invention)
Trewavas: same as Twillow: 20 645 bxp, 25 078 coins
Twillow again: , money corresponds to double of 15 320 bxp for Invention, which is level 91. Pearl shows xp for level 99. Presumably an alt as previous data shows coin reward for level 98+ Invention?

- Agaroth's lifepoints are scaled to the player, but it is unknown how it scales.
At combat level 112: 34 000 life points.
113: 34 800 life points. Also, Agaroth used his second special attack slightly under 11 600 life points (1/3 of 34 800).
114: 35 200
115: 35 200
115: 35 600 Either the previous was bugged, and got fixed this week or something else dictates Agaroth's lifepoints.
Kings Eastwood in
music by Trewavio Morricone


27-Feb-2020 20:03:12 - Last edited on 20-Jan-2024 09:34:16 by Kings Abbot

Kings Abbot

Kings Abbot

Posts: 10,794 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Music tracks
The following tracks have a different unlock hint in-game than what the Wiki says.
Unlock hint
- TzHaar!
TzHaar City
Fight Caves
- Fire and Brimstone
TzHaar City
Fight Pit
- Misthalin Mood I & III
East of Varrock
- Neverland
Tree Gnome Village
Tree Gnome Stronghold
- Alone
Ice Mountains
Also Clock Tower dungeon
- Zamorak Zoo
God Wars Dungeon
Also Dishonour among Thieves
- Time to Mine
Between a Rock...
Keldagrim south-west mine (starting point of
said quest and The Giant Dwarf)
- Throne of the Demon
Shadow of the Storm
The Golem

The following tracks are quest-tied according to the hint
- Darkmeyer: also during Darkness of Hallowvale? The Wiki got this piece of info added eight years ago, is it still correct?
- Mellow: also during Fishing Contest? Only the page on the quest references that, the page on the track only mentions the Fishing Guild.
Kings Eastwood in
music by Trewavio Morricone


27-Feb-2020 20:03:17 - Last edited on 20-Jan-2024 09:33:54 by Kings Abbot

Kings Abbot

Kings Abbot

Posts: 10,794 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Frost dragons in f2p dungeoneering
If you, as a free player, encounter a frost dragon in one of the frozen floors, please tell! I fear they're either way too rare or simply members-only (even though many sources say they're f2p).

Arc Birds spawn time
It's not really known how the spawn time works of the Arc Birds ( It appears they spawn at :00 & :30 or at :15 & :45 or somewhere in between.

Vial needed for Herblore door in Dungeoneering
Some people need a vial to open the Herblore door whilst others do not. In the past it seemed to be needed. This is the list:
Those who don't need one:
- Twillow
- Jhte9797
- Asahel Frost x6 because of alts
- iTinker Bell (didn't complete any saga)
- Fifi (although some years before it was needed)

Those who do:
- Someone who wants to stay anonymous

Those who don't know:
- Tren
- Me

Champion's Challenge life point inconsistencies
I noticed on the page of Chamion's Challenge ( that the life points of some champions do not match those of their respective pages. How many life points do they have?
- Hobgoblin Champion: 6.000 (CC) or 8.000 (own page)
- Giant Champion: 7.000 or 3.500
- Ghoul Champion: 8.910 or 8.190
- Aberrant Spectre Champion: 9.075 or 5.500
- Jogre Champion: 8.460 or 6.000
- Leon d'Couer: 12.300 or 10.000

Missing augmented elite sirnic hauberk/chaps info
Original message details are unavailable.
Augmented elite sirenic hauberk and chaps don't have current up to date info you can see the this section or article is incomplete and could do with improvement on both pages. Someone needs to add the correct info, this is important for end game pvm.
Kings Eastwood in
music by Trewavio Morricone


27-Feb-2020 20:03:28 - Last edited on 20-Jan-2024 09:33:32 by Kings Abbot

Kings Abbot

Kings Abbot

Posts: 10,794 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
One Small Wiki Favour
Over on the RS Wiki, some more help is needed for several projects here:

Oh, did I mention you can earn a Bond for helping out?
I think I didn't...
Hang on...

You can earn a
for helping out!

How cool is that, huh?
There, now I mentioned.

What are you still doing here?
Get cracking!
Kings Eastwood in
music by Trewavio Morricone


27-Feb-2020 20:03:41 - Last edited on 20-Jan-2024 09:33:11 by Kings Abbot

Kings Abbot

Kings Abbot

Posts: 10,794 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
History of this place

Original story:

Since I couldn't find Waldo, I turned my gaze upon another option. Problem is, I can't find that either. This question is asked purely for the sake of the RS Wikia.

I wanted to confirm that his banking option in free-to-play was disabled like Jagex said on the update of 9 October 2017 when free-to-play got dragons and ThE bEaSt to kill. Ian lost his ability as well, and I had no problem finding him near the blue dragons and confirming he isn't a bank anymore. I noticed the Wikia didn't mention this, so I edited it, but I need some proof for Willy because I could not find him.

First I checked the RS Wikia to see where Willy roamed, and it says he wanders between the spider hill and the demonic ruins north of Red Dragon Isle. I ran around there, but I couldn't find him, I also checked if he could have wandered onto Red Dragon Isle through an opened gate, but he was not there either. I also checked the other side of the fence, but didn't see him and had to retreat because eLLIE decided to come after me. Luckily he/she/it/gazorp hasn't figured out how to attack an almost two-meter-tall human standing behind a one-meter-tall fence.
Has William turned his back on the free world, only to appear on members' worlds? Or is he playing hide and seek by walking around somewhere in Lumbridge Swamp?

I also wanted to check Edmond, who should wander around the Hobgoblin Mine and the north of the Wilderness Volcano, if he lost the ability as well since he's close to some green dragons, but I only saw a glimp of his bank sign on my minimap when he set foot inside my field of view. Unfortunately, he decided to leave immediately, and decided not to be found ever again either. Since I saw his bank sign, he probably still has his banking option, but I couldn't check.

Can someone confirm that Willy is still around without a banking option and that Edmond still has his banking option? Screenshots would be appreciated very much if possible!
Kings Eastwood in
music by Trewavio Morricone


27-Feb-2020 20:03:52 - Last edited on 20-Jan-2024 09:32:54 by Kings Abbot

Kings Abbot

Kings Abbot

Posts: 10,794 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Update: Edmond still has his banking option in free-to-play, I checked some days ago. He can also roam in the crater all the way up to the Sword of Edicts. He was probably there when I was searching him since I didn't check that far, thinking he didn't walk that far south.

Removed from the first post:
- William and Ian should have their banking option removed in f2p (probably because of their proximity to blue dragons and red dragons + Ellie): confirmed by me and Trewavas. They still have their bank icon though. William also seems to roam as far as Edmund's walking area north of the central crater.
- Edmond should still have a banking option in f2p (although he's should be very close to some green dragons): yet to be confirmed, couldn't be found, so his walking area seems to be very big.


Wilderness Cape sellers (see page 2 for the original post)
- William and Ian should still have their bank option in p2p: yet to be confirmed, as being f2p I can't check.

Being a member via Twitch Prime for a month, I was able to confirm this myself.

A new inquiry has been added.


Original message details are unavailable.

- One of the two rewards is a black pearl, which gives the same amount of bonus xp as a medium star. The reward screen shows a maximum of bonus xp, probably if it used for the highest skill. There is still some conformation needed about this.


Original message details are unavailable.

- Does the black pearl always give the same amount of bonus xp as a medium star for a specific skill?


Original message details are unavailable.

- The xp list for a medium star only goes to level 99, it is unknown if the rewards can be higher for skills with non-virtual levels (Slayer, Dung, Invention) above 99.

Xp for levels above 99 are treated as if level 99.
Kings Eastwood in
music by Trewavio Morricone


27-Feb-2020 20:04:02 - Last edited on 20-Jan-2024 09:32:30 by Kings Abbot

Kings Abbot

Kings Abbot

Posts: 10,794 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Original message details are unavailable.

- The coins reward seems to be double the amount of maximum bonus xp that the black pearl can give, but some exceptions seem to exist.

It should be double the max bxp according to a JMod, but it's currently bugged.

Original message details are unavailable.

On the Wings of Air
- This music track unlocked when doing the Al-Kharid "agility course" first done during Stolen Hearts again, I believe where you jump from the awning of the kebab seller's house to the bank building, but that can be wrong and could have happened a bit earlier. When doing the "agility course" again, it starts playing every time I get to the top of the scimitar seller's house, so I believe the music track unlocked there instead.
The unlock info says this track is unlocked when riding a magic carpet and doesn't mention anything about the way I unlocked it.
Does this track unlock as well for other people on the wrong place?

Confirmed with an alt that it's still bugged and unlocks on top of Zeke's Scimitar Shop.
Kings Eastwood in
music by Trewavio Morricone


27-Feb-2020 20:04:14 - Last edited on 20-Jan-2024 09:32:09 by Kings Abbot

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