Although less people will find their way to my Wiki page (less visible, and you have to know where it is), it seems it might be more than I hoped! I'll gladly welcome you all there.
Kings Eastwood in
, and THE
music by Trewavio Morricone
Suzuka Yuuki
There will still be a link to the Wiki on the website and in-game, yes?
I am so sad about losing forums. Taking them away is dumb!
I'd be very surprised if they take away the website and in-game link to the Wiki... People would riot!
Kings Eastwood in
, and THE
music by Trewavio Morricone
Kings Abbot
Suzuka Yuuki
There will still be a link to the Wiki on the website and in-game, yes?
I am so sad about losing forums. Taking them away is dumb!
I'd be very surprised if they take away the website and in-game link to the Wiki... People would riot!
Indeed we would, my friend.
Nice change of title for this thread. It is fitting, as we will certainly still need the Wiki. More than ever, I expect, during the dark silent months soon to come.
Thank you for your tireless work to provide 'Scapers with such a helpful resource, Kings Abbot. Guthix be with you.
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
Save the RSOF!
Although less people will find their way to my Wiki page (less visible, and you have to know where it is), it seems it might be more than I hoped! I'll gladly welcome you all there.
I bookmarked that butterfly because I knew I'd be unlikely to find it later.
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