
Alt1 should be banned! Y/N?

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Is Alt-1 cheating?

Does this look like cheating to you?

For those unaware: Alt1 is third-party software for Runescape. It tells you exactly where to click and in what order. It screen-grabs your client info and throws up indicators of where to click and when. It's "paint by numbers" gaming; it does all the thinking for you.

It's similar to how Chess cheats work, it sits on-top of your client and you can click 'through' it, like digital tracing paper. Is this fair play? In the Chess world, this technology is considered hard-cheating.

It uses a script to automate the solving of dynamic content, content designed to be solved by the player without use of a guide.

Alt1 plots out all possible dig spots and narrows them down by analysing your unique whereabouts (using triangulation). It uses visual indicators of where you need to click and in what order, in real time. All you have to do is click the indicators Alt1 generates and that goes through into the game. It offers 'paint by numbers' gaming essentially.

'Dynamic content' is there to be done by an individual, not machine.
It changes each time for that reason.

People make a lot of money running this third-party script - they bypass spending 2.5m on skip tickets. Those that use Alt1 can solve 5x as many clues (in the time it takes an ordinary person to), potentially making them very rich! by use of AI.

Youtube / RS Wiki cannot solve dynamic content, as it is randomised; they can only show you 'how' to solve these elements of the game - by teaching you techniques. Alt1 just does it for you, all you have to do is paint by numbers.

Search 'alt1' into google, you'll find these common searches. That's not a good sign, is it?

According to a 7 year old Reddit post, it 'seems' fine to use (by Jagex).
Feel free to discuss! do you think Alt1 is cheating or not? be civil please.

Original thread - Quick find code: 14-15-894-66225030
Bob says:
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31-Aug-2021 10:35:54 - Last edited on 30-Mar-2023 10:52:07 by SlR



Posts: 4,381 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'll get a lot of stick for this (because so many people use it) but it needs to be said.
ALT-1 is cheating (imo) in every sense apart from not auto-clicking. It should be banned.

Alt-1 screengrabs your Runescape client and indicates where you need to click (and in what order) via translucent markers on screen, in real time. It sits 'above' your client but acts as if it is 'within' your client. It does NOT click for you, however it does process the cognitive side of play for you.

ALT-1's primary purpose is to solve dynamic (randomised) content such as clue puzzles. Why is this an issue? If it can solve clue puzzles with a transparent overlay, it can tell you where to click in a boss fight at the exact right moment. This is a problem that needs to be addressed before it gets to that point. We need to go back in time to save John Connor! I mean RS :P

- Jokes aside, the threat of 'paint-by-numbers' bossing and PVM/PVP (using indicators) is real if you allow this kind of technology. This game is for humans, not robots.

ALT-1 is free and spreading like wildfire. A lot of Runescape streamers and youtubers are recommending it in their videos because Jagex has not 'officially' dis/approved of it.

Why bother with randomised content at all if you're going to let players use a program to solve it for them? (besides the clicking part which is so difficult ). I thought the whole purpose of dynamic content was to slow players down (as we cant use a guide). Using AI to play RS should be against the rules.

PS: There are already ingame items that solve puzzles for you, they're called skip tickets and they cost 2.5m each. People are using Alt1 to save 2.5m and bypass this ingame mechanic to give themselves an unfair advantage. 3PC software is 'use at your own risk', thus unavailable to those that don't wish to risk their account security.

Why pay 3.5m on a Puzzle Skipping Ticket when ALT-1 is a 'free' skip...
Bob says:
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31-Aug-2021 10:35:58 - Last edited on 30-Mar-2023 10:56:07 by SlR



Posts: 4,381 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
ALT1 may not be considered 'cheating' in the traditional sense. It does not input anything into Runescape (it'd get caught otherwise). Instead, you click (where it shows you to) with indicators that pop up on screen. You're basically the mechanical operator of the script. So, if anything, can we accept it is half-cheating? since half of playing this game is cognitive?

The program uses real-time output from your game client by screen recording. In 1s it knows your unique location + puzzle combination. It visually alters your game by use of 'digital tracing paper' with clickable indicators.

It tells you what to do and when to do it, all in real-time, and does it in seconds. A static 'guide' cannot do this.

If you can bypass solving randomised content with a third-party program (so long as you click / enter in the commands of your script) then why bother with randomised content at all? It is not like Wiki or Youtube as they cannot solve randomised content for you.

There are puzzle skip tickets in game, they cost 2.5m each; if you don't wish to solve the puzzle then that's your in-game solution. Its simple: you trade GP for time saved. I don't think it is acceptable to let players bypass this mechanic whilst others pay to play the way it was intended.

I understand if Jagex don't want to ban it simply because it's hard to detect, but there are obvious ''clues'' that tell you when somebody is using a script like ALT-1. I doubt the world record holder for slide puzzles could match this pace and accuracy!

ALT-1 may seem benign now, but what about when this exact same overlay indicator technology tells you exactly where to stand and what to do during a boss fight? or in PVP?

If you allow these third party programs to run wild, you'll have people buying/selling scripts each time a new boss comes out to avoid learning the mechanics. Thoughtless clicking of indicators generated by AI is not good for any game. Please consider banning this.
Bob says:
A bank PIN will keep your items secure.
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31-Aug-2021 10:36:00 - Last edited on 05-Mar-2022 15:50:10 by SlR



Posts: 4,381 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- Those who use it gain an unfair advantage (time & wealth)
- It is a program specifically designed to solve randomised content
- (Randomised content is an in-game mechanic to deter guide use)
- Randomised content is used when wealth can be gained (usually)
- ALT-1 solves randomised content by screen-recording your client
- It tells you where to click and in what order by on-screen indicators
- It could be used to solve other 'dynamic content' such as PVM
- Potential to impersonate you in account recovery with screenshots (?)
- Puzzle skip tickets are available if you don't want to solve it yourself.
- Has features that bypass existing in-game mechanics (spending 1.5m)
- It takes +80 steps to complete a puzzle with 100% accuracy using Alt1.
- Saves a significant amount of time and wealth (1.5m each time) using Alt1.
- It affects the economy (that we all share) if it didn't it'd probably be fine.
- The program ALT-1 is cheat software only without the auto-click

The main supporting argument of Alt1 seems to be that it is available to all, therefore it is not an unfair advantage. Whilst that may be true, in the literal sense, the same way any open-source software is 'available to all', it's availability depends on whether you are willing to risk your account security by using it.

Alt1 - when only a few use it - unfair advantage (over those that don't use it).
Alt1 - when everyone uses it - puzzle skip tickets become redundant and RS becomes easier for it's own sake. In both scenarios it doesn't look good!

I know clue scrolls aren't a big thing to everybody, but to some they are. Saying its not a big deal because its only a small part of the game is like saying its OK to have a bot for 1 skill, as its only a small portion of the game - not acceptable in my opinion.
Bob says:
A bank PIN will keep your items secure.
Always check the second trade screen.
Never trade in the Wilderness!
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Never give your password out to anyone.

31-Aug-2021 10:36:03 - Last edited on 21-Apr-2022 14:34:18 by SlR



Posts: 4,381 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- ban it! it's cheating!

- A Cole
- Tuffty
- Jack Flac
- WTFmybacon
- Bradinat0r
- PiraBob
- Jeremy Cheng
- Farbror Adam
- Snowbuddy
- Dulcis Nex

Quick find code: 14-15-894-66225030 (votes based off our previous thread on this topic)
Please correct me if your name is in the wrong list, or if you want your name removing.

Original message details are unavailable.
you undertake that you will not (and will not permit or encourage or procure others directly or indirectly to):
d. combine, associate, wrap-around, integrate, or align, any third-party software, components or add-on features with the Software or any part of it, in any manner whatsoever;
Version 3.0 (July 2021)
Bob says:
A bank PIN will keep your items secure.
Always check the second trade screen.
Never trade in the Wilderness!
Keep your computer keylogger-free and virus scanned.
Never give your password out to anyone.

31-Aug-2021 10:36:06 - Last edited on 09-Mar-2022 17:49:10 by SlR



Posts: 4,381 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- not sure

- Kings Abbot

- Si1verCloud
- J R Kerr
- Tenebri

- Rikornak


Quick find code: 14-15-894-66225030 (votes based off our previous thread on this topic)
Please correct me if your name is in the wrong list, or if you want your name removing.
Bob says:
A bank PIN will keep your items secure.
Always check the second trade screen.
Never trade in the Wilderness!
Keep your computer keylogger-free and virus scanned.
Never give your password out to anyone.

31-Aug-2021 10:36:09 - Last edited on 07-Jan-2022 14:55:40 by SlR



Posts: 4,381 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- don't ban it! it's not cheating!

- Daddy Hero
- DarthChosen
- C a z
- Indy Cision
- Vengeance of
- xxqw56chxx
- Takru

(pending) = those that expressed it was not cheating in the original thread.

Quick find code: 14-15-894-66225030 (votes based off our previous thread on this topic)
Please correct me if your name is in the wrong list, or if you want your name removing.

Original message details are unavailable.
- "Using ALT1 is currently not against the Rules of RuneScape nor the Terms and Conditions ("

"Jagex has not ‘approved’ any third-party programs and strongly recommends you only use their official clients. Use of third-party software that does comply with the Rules of RuneScape is at your own risk"

Original message details are unavailable.
- "It doesn't appear you can use it to control or automate game play, so it's unlikely it could cause any problems with our anti-cheating detection methods, ie; players shouldn't be banned for using it"
Bob says:
A bank PIN will keep your items secure.
Always check the second trade screen.
Never trade in the Wilderness!
Keep your computer keylogger-free and virus scanned.
Never give your password out to anyone.

31-Aug-2021 10:38:05 - Last edited on 07-Jan-2022 14:55:30 by SlR



Posts: 4,381 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So, as long as we 'enter in manually' what a bot/script tells us to do, its all OK? Hmm...

I have read the unofficial clients post (for OSRS) dated: 30/09/2019 -
"We consider features which enable you to bypass gameplay mechanics to be unacceptable, like those which might indicate where projectiles would land, where NPCs might spawn, or which protection prayers to activate."
whilst it may not be 'where projectiles land', the method and execution would be the same. I believe this to be an example, as there would be too many variations to list.

Unacceptable features:
"Anything that automatically indicates where to stand, or not to stand. This applies to only automatic indicators, and not tiles which have been manually marked"
- Alt1 creates automatic indicators for you via a click-through overlay (which may as well be in-game, as the end result would be exactly the same) Source 2.

"this is not an exhaustive list, and we reserve the right to add features to this list in future. We’ll continue to monitor community concerns about other specific features and offer more clarity if it’s needed."
- They are open to change.

Source 1:

Source 2:

I am going off the assumption these are global principles and apply to both OSRS & RS3.

REDDIT (6 years ago) - It appears OK to use
But the question is - Should it be?[/centre]

Why can't people just take the time (that it takes everyone) to do things themselves? Or...

The prices are way higher now (3m for the blue one) but you get the point...

To be continued
Bob says:
A bank PIN will keep your items secure.
Always check the second trade screen.
Never trade in the Wilderness!
Keep your computer keylogger-free and virus scanned.
Never give your password out to anyone.

31-Aug-2021 10:52:10 - Last edited on 21-Apr-2022 14:38:37 by SlR



Posts: 4,381 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

- the banning of Alt1 -

"you dont need to do anything special to DL alt1, it's available to everyone"

It is not available on the Runescape website, or linked anywhere in-game. You need to be the type of person who seeks out and downloads cheats.
Not all have bad intentions, many aren't aware of it's implications.

"I don't specifically have a problem with it in regards to the clue part, as that's only saving a person time from alt-tabbing to the RS Wiki"

RS Wiki cannot solve these puzzles, they can only show you techniques on how to solve them. They don't actually solve them for you using in-game/on-game indicators.
counterargument? - But it still gives you the answers.
The issue is not just what it does, but more how it does it.

"Anyone who has played chess knows that chess engines are much stronger than humans, yet all they do is calculate the best moves and human manually inputs them. And that is considered hard CHEATING in chess community. The definition of cheating is something that gives one player unfair advantage over other players. Does Alt1 do that? Of course it does!"

"If a computer makes the decision of where the click should be, it is not a human decision and therefore is a bot. This alone is why overlays are cheats and why ALT1 specifically should be against the rules"

"Use entirely at your own risk. If you are found to be banned and/or hijacked after utilizing third-party software programs, then it is your responsibility and not that of Jagex's for the actions that you have taken"

To be continued
Bob says:
A bank PIN will keep your items secure.
Always check the second trade screen.
Never trade in the Wilderness!
Keep your computer keylogger-free and virus scanned.
Never give your password out to anyone.

31-Aug-2021 11:05:49 - Last edited on 01-Sep-2021 10:42:33 by SlR



Posts: 4,381 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

- the banning of Alt1 -

"Its just an easier "guide" than anything else. Its the same as using a Youtube guide"
They operate entirely differently.

"I've never heard of anyone being hacked after using it"
You don't take the locks off your door just because you've never been burgled.

"Why is it not fine when we can integrate even more complicated "overlay" such as wealth calculator into Jagex's games?"
Wealth evaluator 'was' a paid feature. Skipping tickets 'are' a paid feature. Alt1 negate(s/ed) both.

"Jagex and a good number of ppl seem to think different as its being used be a good number of ppl including jmods"
That is their choice, it doesn't make it right.

The future of overlay indicators being used in Runescape may spread to PVM and PVP
"Yet theres no point in worry about the future because no one can tell what will/wont happen"

Yet the same arguments would apply for that utilisation: real-time next move indicators.

"What you think doesn't matter if we are talking about Jagex's LEGALLY BOUND Terms and Conditions and Rules. Jagex clearly said Alt1 is "fine to use" and using it won't get us banned. Their Terms & Condition and Rules don't show anything different either"
- Acknowledged

There are way too many
'its not against the rules so its not cheating'
responses to list.

Jack Flac -
"We know it's not currently against their rules as it is worded. The main point of threads like these, is to start the dialogue to move things forward so it eventually ends up in the same space as things like flower games and dicing did. It may not currently be against the rules, but hopefully by having these kinds of discussions, one day it will end up being against the rules.

Bob says:
A bank PIN will keep your items secure.
Always check the second trade screen.
Never trade in the Wilderness!
Keep your computer keylogger-free and virus scanned.
Never give your password out to anyone.

31-Aug-2021 11:05:52 - Last edited on 01-Sep-2021 17:48:53 by SlR

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