
F2P Extensions

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Noctis King
Dec Member 2023

Noctis King

Posts: 77 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Season Past:

Is there any area that I haven't covered for potential high-level monsters in post 36 of this thread?

To remind you, I only included Lumbridge Swamp Caves, Wilderness, Traveley Dungeon, Edgeville Dungeon, and Kalphite Hive.

I agree that most NPC enemies don't drop good items, and that includes the F2P side as well. Hellhound and Deadly Red Spider are summoning an update, which will be the main source for gold charms, and dragons will have another reason for green charms.

I think the bandit camp enemies should be updated with unique drops. Speedy Keith, Donny the Lad, and Black Heather focus on one combat style and hit the most damage. I have an idea that would make a new F2P item a viable choice to grab. I am currently thinking of ideas for these three enemies.

If you have any monster suggestion please call me out. I am here to help and assist you.

08-Nov-2023 17:33:23 - Last edited on 08-Nov-2023 21:08:23 by Noctis King

Seasons Past

Seasons Past

Posts: 559 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jungle spiders (lvl 86) could be added to the Melee Weakness list. According to the wiki, they spawn on Musa Point on P2P, so they wouldn't require a full area extension. They should be updated to drop Summoning charms to make their loot more appealing.

The Ice Queen (level 77) is needed for Heroes' Quest but does not require the quest. The wiki states that although she has no official weakness, her defence is lowest against Ranged. While the Ice Queen wouldn't require much of an update, F2P would need access to the cave leading to the top of White Wolf Mountain, the ability to mine the rocks at the entrance, and the ladders/trapdoors. I'd also give her similar loot as ice warriors but with better resources in higher quantities. That would give players a reason to fight her more than once.

Otherworldly beings (level 63) are found in Zanaris and weak to Ranged. Their loot seems reasonable for their level. I would increase the amount of runes dropped, considering that most of the herbs would remain P2P.

I have nothing to add on the Bandit Camp NPCs at the moment.
Spirit of Forinthry ~ Runecrafting: Magic Armour ~ F2P Extensions ~ Dragon Slayer improvements ~ New Player Experience

08-Nov-2023 22:26:47 - Last edited on 08-Nov-2023 23:07:58 by Seasons Past

Noctis King
Dec Member 2023

Noctis King

Posts: 77 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Update on the monster list:

For Jungle Spider, Musa Point is level 21, but Brimhaven is included for expansion; level 86 is listed under that place.

Added otherworldly being.

Ice Queen is a quest boss; hopefully Jagex can update her to have good drops. Maybe have new exclusive armor drops to entice players.

10-Nov-2023 18:26:03 - Last edited on 10-Nov-2023 18:26:20 by Noctis King

Seasons Past

Seasons Past

Posts: 559 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Noctis King said :
Ice Queen is a quest boss; hopefully Jagex can update her to have good drops. Maybe have new exclusive armor drops to entice players.
The Ice Queen would be a good candidate for a new actual F2P boss now that I think of it. I would consider her more of a RS2 boss than a fully fledged one by modern standards, as she doesn't have any mechanics to set her apart that I'm aware of.

She could probably be reworked similarly to Astea Frostweb in Daemonheim at a low development cost. Higher stats, stronger minions, and better loot would complete the package.
Spirit of Forinthry ~ Runecrafting: Magic Armour ~ F2P Extensions ~ Dragon Slayer improvements ~ New Player Experience

12-Nov-2023 01:09:41

Seasons Past

Seasons Past

Posts: 559 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ice Queen

Concept for a new F2P boss:
-1-3 player encounter aimed at beginning PvMers
* T50+ equipment recommended
* Attacks with Magic, Ranged, and Melee
* Weak to Fire spells
* Uses Ancient deflection curses (mitigated by certain P2P equipment, such as the effects of diamond bolts (e) and Verac's armour set)
-Rewards would include new rebounders up to T60


1) The Ice Queen uses three pedestals throughout the room to switch between her main attacks. When changing attacks, the Queen would walk toward the one empty pedestal and place her current weapon on it. She then conjures one of her two other weapons from another pedestal.

2) Each pedestal would be temporarily disabled by lighting a torch above it, preventing the queen from equipping the weapon placed there. This would be accomplished either at close range or from a distance, with Firemaking or a fire spell respectively. A player’s Firemaking or Magic level would affect how long a pedestal would remain inactive.

3) Disabling any of the Queen’s attacks would strengthen the remaining ones. The Queen would always have at least one main attack, as players would not be able to disarm the weapon she is actively using.

Main Attacks

-The Queen brandishes her staff, targeting all players in the room regardless of position
* Unique ability: Chance to freeze targets in place (same as ice spells from the Ancient Spellbook)

-The Queen draws her bow, narrowing her eyes at a single target
* Unique ability: Ignores damage reduction from Prayer

-The Queen swings her halberd, cutting through all who stand in her path
* Unique ability: Ignores defensive bonus from armour and causes a bleed effect

(continued below)
Spirit of Forinthry ~ Runecrafting: Magic Armour ~ F2P Extensions ~ Dragon Slayer improvements ~ New Player Experience

12-Nov-2023 04:20:58 - Last edited on 17-Dec-2023 00:20:02 by Seasons Past

Seasons Past

Seasons Past

Posts: 559 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ice Queen (continued)

Special Moves

The Ice Queen teleports to her throne at the centre of the room, unleashing one of the following:

Curtains: Columns of ice erupt from the ground, cutting off parts of the room.

Supervision: Ice giants attempt to surround a player, blocking movement until either defeated or distracted by another player.

Toy Soldier: A powerful ice warrior appears, focusing all of its efforts on one player until destroyed.

Widow’s Bite: The Queen summons a hoard of ice spiders. The spiders have low health but attack rapidly, with high accuracy.

Window Dressing: The Queen conjures duplicates of herself. Each phantasm acts identically to the real queen, disappearing when damaged.


Unique drops:

* New T1 - T50 off-hand items dropped by minions
* Component to make a new T60 rebounder, dropped only by the Queen

Ice gloves
* Guaranteed from the Queen and possible from minions
* Reclaimed freely from the Ice Queen’s Lair after defeating the Queen at least once

Ice arrows
* Made F2P
* No requirements to use
* Damage scaling up to T60
* Passive effect: bypass damage reduction, but not reflection, from prayers and Ancient curses (including against the Ice Queen)
* Guaranteed from the Queen and possible from minions

Non-unique drops:
-Fine cloth
-Mystic cloth
-Summoning charms
-Rare drop table
Spirit of Forinthry ~ Runecrafting: Magic Armour ~ F2P Extensions ~ Dragon Slayer improvements ~ New Player Experience

12-Nov-2023 04:28:25 - Last edited on 17-Dec-2023 00:21:31 by Seasons Past

Seasons Past

Seasons Past

Posts: 559 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Update 12/11/23

-Added link to combat NPC suggestions on post 36 (post 1)

-Proposed reworking the Ice Queen into a fully-fledged boss encounter (post 88)
-Proposed the following as rewards from the Ice Queen (post 89):
* New rebounders up to T60
* Ice arrows
-Proposed F2P access to ice arrows, with the following improvements (post 89):
* No requirements to use
* Damage scaling up to T60
* Passive effect: ignore damage reduction, but not reflection, from prayers and Ancient curses
Spirit of Forinthry ~ Runecrafting: Magic Armour ~ F2P Extensions ~ Dragon Slayer improvements ~ New Player Experience

12-Nov-2023 05:22:26 - Last edited on 17-Dec-2023 03:55:40 by Seasons Past

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