
F2P Extensions

Quick find code: 74-75-796-66289388

Oct Member 2013


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- Anachronia - The teleport is borked, since it forces you to sacrifice one of your totem slots to have just that one available as a teleport location. So it probably should have a centralized spot like the remo-totem and allow you to teleport to any totem (so base camp and the three over the island) as long as it is charged. The level requirement is not an issue for that one to be fair though. Anachronia isn't a place for extremely low levelled players.
- Canifis - got a teleport on ancients, which I wouldn't change - maybe consider the level 66 requirement though.
- Menaphos - it is fairly well covered with a multitude of teleports. While basically everyone can access it, it only starts to be interesting to players at medium levels. And those certainly shouldn't have reservations toward more complex means of transport.
- Bandit camp - not extremely well covered, but it isn't really some point of interest except for a few treasure trails. And for that the lodestone and the teleport scrolls should be enough.
- Tirannwn/Prif - that are not even low levelled locations. You'll have stats in the 50s to 60s upon reaching the former. The latter requires you to have 8 skills at 75 for doing the quest alone to access it.
- Lunar isle - got a dedicated spell on the lunar spellbook for that matter.

The level fixes of the f2p teleports are fine.
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

11-Jan-2024 06:55:43 - Last edited on 11-Jan-2024 07:20:22 by Rikornak

Seasons Past

Seasons Past

Posts: 594 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
To clarify, I meant that teleport spells would take you to the same spot as lodestones. Current lodestone teleports would be completely unchanged. The only difference is that you’d be able to teleport to a lodestone more quickly as a regular teleport spell, in addition to the slower default option. To cover all bases, I am aware of vis wax and don’t care for it. Vis wax is a roundabout way of implementing how lodestones should have worked since their release.

For a few places such as Varrock, Ardougne, and Yanille, the current lodestone and spell arrival points are distant enough to warrant multiple options. Varrock already lets you toggle the spell to the Grand Exchange after you complete the achievements, and Yanille is similar. I would just have toggles for any of these where it makes a difference. There is extensive precedent for it, so I can’t imagine that it would be hard to implement.

With these adjustments, there would be neither significant loss nor redundancy of functionality - only improvement upon the existing teleports.
Spirit of Forinthry ~ Runecrafting: Magic Armour ~ F2P Extensions ~ Dragon Slayer improvements ~ New Player Experience

11-Jan-2024 07:32:01 - Last edited on 11-Jan-2024 07:46:52 by Seasons Past

Oct Member 2013


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This functionality already exists in the from of vis wax - you use one wax and the next 10 lodestone teleports you'll use will be instant (and you can unlock it forever for free for the wilderness lodestone upon completing the hard diary with no charges required or consumed). It would be easier to make the rune goldberg machine d&d (probably with reduced produce) and the wax available to free players, since having the spells on top of that would diminish the usefulness of that.

And relocating some teleports to the lodestone positions would undermine their use. The Taverley teleport was added outright as a replacement for the slayer cape teleport when Turael/Spria were moved to burthope to allow players to get to that exact spot for the sake of treasure trails. Varrock center and lodestone are 50 tiles apart or so.

In general I am really not a fan of teleport toggles - or even the system OS uses to have those alternative locations as a right click available (since when do you think about a spell having something more on a right-click in addition?). Just give players an additional teleport with exact the same requirements and costs. Taking Yanille - there is no reason to have this watch tower teleport at all - it's just to make the teleport extremely awful and that is one of the very few cases in which the teleport certainly is outright inferior to the lodestone. OS bothered to add a master clue step to the tower, so it would be good for... something... the very least - it still forces you to complete the hard diary to use that spell to teleport to the city itself though - so you basically get the functionality interesting for high levelled players way sooner. But in RS3 you just could remove that thing and make the Yanille teleport baseline - no quest or diary unlock whatsoever required.
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

11-Jan-2024 07:47:13 - Last edited on 11-Jan-2024 07:58:26 by Rikornak

Oct Member 2013


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Thing is - most 'alternative location toggles' are basically what they intentionally did with lodestones when those were introduced. The teleport brings you to a location, that is rather unfavourable - usually not outright as laughably wrong as the watchtower would be, while the diary locked variant is close to the original one - but certainly at some actual point of interest - so you could say it fixes a broken teleport without just fixing it baseline. The lodestone (at least the original ones - from prif onwards they certainly can be considered as the intended way to get somewhere) basically is the other way around - it's free and it has no further requirements - at the cost of you investing a bit of time and be placed even further away from most commonly visited places - but yeah - we're talking about twenty, thirty seconds or so. This isn't an act. Especially considering, we're no longer playing the equivalent of a chain-smoker, that's out of breath after half a minute of running.

As I said, I certainly can see places, where parts of the teleport network could be made more readily available or created in the first place. But this just should be so much more versatile, than only the spellbook - especially only the normal one.
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

11-Jan-2024 07:58:30 - Last edited on 11-Jan-2024 08:40:28 by Rikornak

Seasons Past

Seasons Past

Posts: 594 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I see no reason not to move quick lodestone teleports over to spells.

Forget about adding new ones. You shouldn’t have to play a minigame to convert runes into an entirely separate item (vis wax) to use for what runes are supposed to be used for. It’s inefficient.

Vis wax also has other uses. It’s not as if it would be made redundant in the same way as teleport spells have been by lodestones. To top it off, that function of vis wax could still be kept while also adding it to teleport spells.

There would be zero loss of functionality, and teleport spells would be made more useful.
Spirit of Forinthry ~ Runecrafting: Magic Armour ~ F2P Extensions ~ Dragon Slayer improvements ~ New Player Experience

11-Jan-2024 14:44:23

Oct Member 2013


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Obviously. Just no regard whatsoever towards what all is devalued due to that. Not just the vis, but all the teleports, that require more of you than just reaching some low magic level. And yes - obviously lodestones have killed off some teleports, that were unreasonable to unlock and/or use (can be fixed) or placed you in a likewise inconvenient location (can be fixed) - or even just in the case of not having the correct runes or items with you - yeah it can be a reason to use the edgeville lodestone uncharged over the wilderness sword - you simply do not have it with you right now. That is not a good argument to degrade or kill teleporters, for which nothing is wrong from an objective perspective.

To be fair - vis isn't inefficient or something like that - more like the polar opposite. Granted - it is a rather crude, albeit well working mechanism to sink runes all over the board out of the game. And enabling quick teleports is one of the main functions of it. Sure the other features are used as well, even though most are a bit niche in comparison. The system as a whole would just take a heavy hit if that was taken away. That isn't compensated by using a few runes in lieu. And then considering, that this is much less convenient, since you once again would require to carry runes with you. Vis can be charged in advance. Even if you were to copy that system, it will become much more complex, since you have to charge a lot more of lodestones, which you have to keep an eye on then.
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

11-Jan-2024 19:53:31 - Last edited on 11-Jan-2024 20:26:19 by Rikornak

Oct Member 2013


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In here again - we're right now talking about players who are - under your assumption (albeit I can hardly believe this unless they're outright stemming from mobile gaming) - freaking out due to a short time of wait using the lodestone combined with their incapability to work out a different way of teleportation. As said - it can be an issue figuring out what teleportation jewellery is and how to come by it. But why not have the game show you how to get and use it? This can easily enough happen with the tutorial experience in burthope and taverley. For that matter the ring of respawn and the ring of metamorphosis should be swapped, so the former can be created at crafting 1 and magic 7 from opal - BAM - burthope, lumbridge and falador covered at once. If players have seen this, they should understand, that other gems would be good for other pieces of (teleportation) jewellery.

Spin it further - players could even be given free samples of other pieces of teleportation jewellery as a reward for this tutorial - like a traveller's necklace, a games necklace and a ring of duelling with the mention, they'll able to make them themselves when they are more experienced, all as a miner, a craftsman and an enchanter. Or simply buy them at the GE if they're not ironmen.
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

11-Jan-2024 20:03:04 - Last edited on 11-Jan-2024 22:25:25 by Rikornak

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 9,237 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
And otherwise it's exploration - you'll come to more specialized teleports through diaries and quests over time. If some of those things aren't available to free players - what exactly is the issue? There is not a single point in the free world, that can't be reached within a few minutes with what is available right now. It isn't bad, that a member would be able to shave of a few more seconds with something only available to them, maybe even actually at higher levels. Or do you think, that - and that alone - is the issue? As I said - I would love to see something like the portal nexus from OS to reward players for having extremely high construction levels. Or some really awesome teleport feature from a grandmaster quest. And if it just upgrades something existing.

This doesn't exclude fixing broken things - or even add new stuff available to everybody where it really makes sense after all. But players should have to obtain and upgrade certain things by earning them in the end - just with more reason for what they are. I'll try scribble down a concept for that of my own tomorrow or so - working both with jewellery and standard spells.
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

11-Jan-2024 20:39:35 - Last edited on 11-Jan-2024 22:22:28 by Rikornak

Seasons Past

Seasons Past

Posts: 594 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don’t consider it an issue to unlock things as you progress through the game. My original goal was to make teleport spells more useful, but that proved too narrow a focus. As you’ve pointed out, there is usually not enough difference for spells to compete with lodestones in the current system .

I agree that the original teleport spells should be improved. What I don’t agree with is the sense of fatalism that there would never be reason to use a teleport spell if a lodestone exists in a similar location.

Incorporating jewellery into the Burthorpe paths sounds like a great idea.
Spirit of Forinthry ~ Runecrafting: Magic Armour ~ F2P Extensions ~ Dragon Slayer improvements ~ New Player Experience

12-Jan-2024 06:01:30 - Last edited on 12-Jan-2024 06:02:32 by Seasons Past

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 9,237 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So I'll give it a shot now. I'll use an updated structure from what we had discussed back then as a baseline and try to unlock something new roughly every 2-4 levels:

- Taverley (3 - Air)
- Lumbridge (5 - Water)
- Level 1 Enchant (7) - Access to the ring of respawn (which is changed from jade to opal jewellery) and the games necklace - Includes a short tutorial involving the creation of a ring of respawn from scratch. Completing the tutorial awards a free games necklace, traveller's necklace and ring of duelling.
- Varrock City Square (10 - Earth)
- Grand Exchange (10 + Varrock Easy - Earth)
- Varrock Church (10 + Varrock Medium - Earth)
- Falador (13 - Water)
- Level 2 Enchant (17) - Access to the traveller's necklace and the ring of duelling
- House (20 - Earth)
- Fort Forinthry (*New* 25 - Earth) - Requires a town hall to be built and teleports the player next to Aster.
- Level 3 Enchant (27) - Access to the digsite necklace. All requirements related to it are removed and trade restrictions are lifted. Players can unlock an infinite variation at the cleaning finds activity instead.
- Camelot (30 - Air)
- Ardougne (32 - Water) - Quest requirement is removed
- South Feldip (35 - Fire) - Increased requirements due to a lack of relevance early on
- Level 4 Enchant (37) - Doesn't include teleportation jewellery
- Yanille (40 - Earth) - Spell becomes baseline, no unlocks whatsoever required
- Watchtower (40 + Watchtower quest - Earth)
- MTA (*New* 42 - Fire) - Can be unlocked for a few points from all MTA activities, teleports the player inside the building near the entrance
- Level 5 Enchant (47) - Access to the ring of wealth, the skills necklace, the amulet of glory and the combat bracelet, all items can now be charged at the fountain of heroes, the totem pole or the tears of seren. Potentially they could add something like the dragonstone recharge spell or scrolls from OS.
- Paterdomus (*New* 50 - Fire) - Teleports the player in front of the building
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

12-Jan-2024 06:43:28 - Last edited on 12-Jan-2024 08:53:21 by Rikornak

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