Old school is still too new to have a new skill added IMO. We only have 110 maxed players and have only recently started discussing a Max Cape.
I would much prefer if you guys started a discussion about Dungeoneering as a MINIGAME, not a skill, and
the Chaotics reward.
Players liked the randomly generated floors, I think the main reason why players hated it because it was a skill which meant it forced you to play with other people if you didn't have friends, as well as the rewards being OP.
If you looked at these issues, players would likely support this more than a Sailing skill. Not to mention you could incorporate rewards such as Rigour/Augury in the Dungeoneering rewards, and these new caves or areas to explore (eg Gem Dragons) could still be introduced with Zeah that you still have planned.
07-Aug-2015 18:07:41