Looks a lot like my skill suggestion, when you made the competition for a new skill.
I can try to repost it here:
The sailing skill we never had... Sea navigating:
This skill combines crafting and construction for building the boats, and the new sea navigating skill for different tasks you can do with the boats and ships.
With the new sea navigating skill, you can go treasure hunt, discover new land and cities, and you can sail goods.
You could go fishing or you could fight sea monsters, pirates or even fight other players in some areas.
You can race other players and stake in a pound, win or lose. You can also race NPC's and win smaller amounts of resources and gp's if you want to see how your boat sails.
Actually there are many possibilities on how to train your new sea navigating skill.
Have in mind that the below is just examples.
Building boats of different materials, using your construction and crafting skills:
- All kind of planks
- Steal bars
- Wax
- Rope
- Swamp paste
- Fine clothes for the sail, sewn together with thread (crafting skill)
- Cannons for a Frigate or other warships
- Paint (dye) for the boat, if you don’* want it just woody look, you can dye the main boat.
- Also dye the sails and the flags of the boat. This could be pirate style or crusade style, or
your heraldic banner style.
- Rudder for steering the boat (crafting skill)
- Paddles (crafting skill)
Boats to build:
Fishing ships:
- Kayak
- Rowboat
- Fishing boat
Explore ships:
- Christopher Columbus Santa Maria
- Schooner
Goods transport ships*:
- Ancient Greek Merchant ship
- Roman Merchant Ship
- The Kyrenia ship
- The Merchant Ship Afloat
Cargo and warship:
- San Gabriel (up to 4 cannons) can hold the largest amount of cargo
War ships
- Viking warship "Stallion of the Sea" (0 cannons)
- Frigate "Frigatten Jylland" (up to 6 cannons)**
Racing sail boat:
- Optimist dinghy
- Courageous
- Columbia J-Yacht
- Bermuda Sl
RS3/OSRS acc: Valcyra
OSRS Ironwoman: Amazonia
07-Aug-2015 18:08:06
- Last edited on
07-Aug-2015 18:11:28