Nice attempt to twist some words, Bilbert:
Have you ever thought of becoming a politician, because you talk like one, if you try you'd be able to sell them oranges and apples easily!
- They literally both adressed the same topics;
- Earlier you said it was only the 16 EU countries, while I pointed out it was 15+Washington (to which you replied I was wrong, odd isn't this);
- What final verdict? (It's your own comment, you should know what you're claiming), to freshen up your memory you posted: "They never have another meeting afterward after Ireland quit the meeting first and
then UK delivered the final verdict.
" (FYI: they have annual meetings, so heh, another incorrect statement);
- Replying to your 'not a single country cares.. blah blah'; to which: they actually do care, hence why they're all having inquiries and updating their legislations; (you actually even stated that the UK already had their "final verdict" why would they euhhh have an inquiry when they 'were already done' with the subject?)
- To your 'what 84 pages': again it's in your own comment, to freshen up your memory on this post you claimed: " Sorry to remind you again but the lengthy 84 page DCMS document is mainly directed at Online Harm and not just gambling": They literally recommend the UK Government to regulate loot boxes under the Gambling Act".
Y u no make sense, consistency is key, my friend
15-Sep-2019 10:35:37
- Last edited on
15-Sep-2019 11:10:50
Torgi Nudho