Also just because Jagex says something, doesn't mean it's correct at all.
Let's remember that these are the same guys that said for a VERY long time there was no breach in security meanwhile a staff-member was "hacking" billionaries on OSRS, ended up getting fired and Jagex ended up paying hundreds of billions back to the people who they had said months earlier were NOT breached by Jagex themselves.
They will say whatever makes them sound best and most in-control. Imagine they went and said "yeah our security system does not work as intended and sadly it's keeping a fair amount of our paying costumers away" that would make them look bad and frankly that's what they care about the most it seems rather than just owning up to this and communicate with us.
Rank #56 Overall. 8000/1****? Hard caskets stacked. 7000/8****? Elite caskets stacked.
31/37 boss logs completed - Ultimate Slayer achieved
Would you trust a Price-checking service that has bots running in W2 advertising themselves constantly? I wouldn't!
21-Aug-2020 14:59:51