I have a hard time understanding your motive, Dilbert. Why do you even start mentioning rule-breakers in a discussion like this? It clearly has nothing to do with that at all.
It's like you're not reading when people explain they have made many reports explaining their issue, when it triggered etc. And as it has been said plenty of times, this happens completely random and without hopping worlds. It is as random as it gets and once you've encountered it the first time, it just won't get away.
I get that Jagex are not calling it a bug/glitch, but when a system implemented to stop whatever it is there to stop ends up stopping the fair users of the product, well then it becomes a bug/glitch. At least that's my opinion and I am sure a lot of people share that - and I am sure even more would share it once they are on our side of the line.
Luckily for me (!!!!!!!) it "only" seems to happen every other day, at least that's how it's been for the past 10 days or so, before it was rarer. So I am just crossing my fingers that I won't get hit as bad as Season, whom I feel really bad for, and btw Season and I are in the same clan, so I know she's not online at all currently.
My worst one was 15 hours where I tried 3 times and succeeded on 3rd attempt. My shortest was 2 hours. And reading these threads past few weeks I can tell that I am one of the luckier victims of this.
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Would you trust a Price-checking service that has bots running in W2 advertising themselves constantly? I wouldn't!
21-Aug-2020 02:48:16
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21-Aug-2020 02:50:43