Aslon Dak said :
I don't consider any goal F2P can reach to be unreasonable.
It is not about those things being possible - you just end up being 99, 120 or 200m xp eventually - it is about those things being reasonable to reach. You basically wrote in your signature you're playing the game for over 18 years. 18. Years. There are players nowadays younger than this.
It'll soon be 19 years, but thanks for noticing.
I did have to take a break from RS for a large of part of 2017, due to a lengthy hospitalization. During one surgery, they had to insert tubes into my sides to drain fluid from my lungs to keep me breathing. During this time, I was not that concerned with my XP rates.
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That things do work up with a bit of effort to some point - which certainly is neither 50, nor 99, but somewhere in between - is nothing that should be discussed
Why not?
I have more examples, including combat abilities and multiple runes per essence milestones, but if you are that uncomfortable with the topic, I will consider my point to have been made.
Original message details are unavailable.
but let's be real: A lot of players - especially new ones - are not super fond of repeating the very same things for hundreds and thousands of hours.
Does anyone truly enjoy that? I don't. That's why I vary my tasks. A little Mining, some Woodcutting, slaying dragons in The Wild, whatever I feel like doing. Even the TikTok Tots should get that.
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If it's just for prestige, that is more than fine - but if guys like you would want to start locking features behind that - especially necessary features, that do not even remotely equal the effort - we literally still would be stuck back then in what the game was like in RSC.
I have never advocated for that. Your baseless accusation shows you know nothing about me. I'll let you in on one thing - I never played RSC. I started with RS2 the year it came out. Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
"...From The 'Scape" is very nearly here.
Aslon Dak said :
I don't consider any goal F2P can reach to be unreasonable.
It is not about those things being possible - you just end up being 99, 120 or 200m xp eventually - it is about those things being reasonable to reach. You basically wrote in your signature you're playing the game for over 18 years. 18. Years. There are players nowadays younger than this.
It'll soon be 19 years, but thanks for noticing.
I did have to take a break from RS for a large of part of 2017, due to a lengthy hospitalization. During one surgery, they had to insert tubes into my sides to drain fluid from my lungs to keep me breathing. During this time, I was not that concerned with my XP rates.
Original message details are unavailable.
That things do work up with a bit of effort to some point - which certainly is neither 50, nor 99, but somewhere in between - is nothing that should be discussed
Why not?
I have more examples, including combat abilities and multiple runes per essence milestones, but if you are that uncomfortable with the topic, I will consider my point to have been made.
Original message details are unavailable.
but let's be real: A lot of players - especially new ones - are not super fond of repeating the very same things for hundreds and thousands of hours.
Does anyone truly enjoy that? I don't. That's why I vary my tasks. A little Mining, some Woodcutting, slaying dragons in The Wild, whatever I feel like doing. Even the TikTok Tots should get that.
Original message details are unavailable.
If it's just for prestige, that is more than fine - but if guys like you would want to start locking features behind that - especially necessary features, that do not even remotely equal the effort - we literally still would be stuck back then in what the game was like in RSC.
I have never advocated for that. Your baseless accusation shows you know nothing about me. I'll let you in on one thing - I never played RSC. I started with RS2 the year it came out. Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
"...From The 'Scape" is very nearly here.
15-Jul-2023 05:54:42