

Quick find code: 93-94-912-65783429



Posts: 19,109 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

We are the only Anti-clan in existence.

We are not here to help. We are not here to provide events, clan avatars or a citadel. We are not your friends. We are not your walking talking RS Wiki. You probably shouldn't even be here. Go away.

FiFi LaFeles said :
We heap scorn upon the whole clan thing. We laugh uproariously at the idea of ranks, citadels and avatars. We drool vacantly at the very idea of doing ordinary clan stuff.

We are the only clan to have declared WAR on the Jagex. We are also at WAR with ourselves. And at WAR with right angles. And with everything else. Its complicated. Dont ask.

Our divine mission as ordained by Guthix.

There is too much good in Runescape. We aim to restore the balance by being evil. We do that in game by griefing other players, all quite legally. By restoring the Balance we are carrying out Guthix's will. Amen.

Legionnaire said :
We salivate over the tears of the the poor souls who challenge us!

And it's all legit!

Stoat King said :
Our evil is purely benevolent, our griefing entirely positive. Praise Guthix!

There are many perfectly legal ways to grief. Nothing we do is against the rules, terms or conditions of Runescape. Our objective is to cause as much grief as possible while remaining perfectly legitimate players. Aren't we good? No...wait.

Clan Rules


Clan Chat Rules

None. Mainly because there is no Clan Chat, but even if there was, there wouldn't be any rules anyway.

Friend's Chat "Corugi" Rules

None. Usually there is no one there. But on the odd occasions when there are, we are rude, mean and nasty.
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.

24-Apr-2016 09:36:36 - Last edited on 22-Jul-2017 20:44:58 by Corugi



Posts: 19,109 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
All of our Glorious Clan members

All clan members are considered equal, until burnt at the stake, in which case they will just be considered well done.

Prophets of Guthix

FiFi La Frou, Le Chat Guerrier, Popess, and Attorney General.
Stoat King, Propagator of Misinformation and Heretic.
Bernadette, Chief Historian and Pink Panther of Paperbacks.
MDove, Giffer Extraordinaire.
Scouse, the Belly Cam.
Kings Abbot, 42.
Jack Flac, Chief Justice, Judge, and Executioner.
Corugi, Resident Evil.


Treemaid, the acceptable face of Grief.


Alaz, Appreciator of milkshakes
0bendigo, wash your hands.
Abysmal Whip, it good.
Ecruteak, so staunch it hurts.
Mod Kalaya, the pker.
Krista, Accounts overdue.
Kiwi Magic, last thing I remember is running for the door.
Miz Misery, the Happy.
Kebab seller, no Spit in his Kebabs
Lord Bucket, Lord of the Buckets.
SouthEaster, Possibly a Victim of Misinformation.
Sookie Lala, Guilty by association.
Wolfblue, Woof Woof.
Jo StaIin, the Georgian.
Ghor, of Eternal Suffering.
Squallsy, the Sudden Downpour.
King of Evil, He without need for a title.
XTL, Cousin of XTC.
Shady Nick, the indefatigable.
Yusou Bhoroi, Down with Gravity!
EveningsStar, between Mercury and Earth.
0815, Handed me a Vegemite Sandwich.
Marble Cake, annexes insufferable cabbages.
Beeyan Angel, Harbinger of Doom.
Lady Deluxe, of Da walks in da Wildee.

The Undead

Kimzi Cakey without the "e"
Old Timer


Clan RS Forumers
Clan The Name


Cuvb or Ptuvb or whatever it is called.
Legionnaire, the WAR chief and THE EPIC STORY TELLER.


Bar Snoops


Krista Hamster
Shady Hamster Nick
Lord Hamster Bucket
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.

24-Apr-2016 09:36:55 - Last edited on 30-Apr-2018 09:40:41 by Corugi



Posts: 19,109 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
How to join

Post here or join Friends chat "Corugi" You will be wasting your time joining the friends chat though, there is rarely anyone there. But yeah, whatever, go on, knock yourself out.

You don't actually have to join our clan to be one of us. We are an anti-clan. That means we despise the ludicrous clan system devised by Jagex. We reject its whole structure entirely, we eject great mouthfuls of gooey, mucus laden saliva upon it. We drink a lot of milkshakes.

Note: Once you post here you are a member. Forever. There is no leaving clan Grief.
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.

24-Apr-2016 09:37:37 - Last edited on 12-Mar-2017 00:59:50 by Corugi



Posts: 19,109 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

We have utter contempt for the notion of clan ranks. We are all equals. You are either one of us or you are not. And if you are not one of us, then may Guthix help you, for we will grief you and drink gladly of your tears.


We don't have one. We have nothing but contempt for citadels. We forcefully project great slimy wads of saliva upon citadels and watch, with satisfaction, as our slobber drips down their castle walls.
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.

24-Apr-2016 09:38:08 - Last edited on 06-Jun-2016 06:44:31 by Corugi



Posts: 19,109 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What is Griefing?

Doing anything in game which does not break the rules, terms or conditions of Runescape, yet causes frustration, annoyance and tears to other players.

Some simple examples: Pking anyone who is defenseless and just trying to skill, do clues or hunt penguins. Mining the west rock during Trahearn hour. Giving people wrong directions. Holding onto totems during sinkholes. Spreading misinformation. Creating wild rumors. Inciting mobs to riot. Etc.

We do not target individuals. We target everyone equally. We are a very fair clan. We are the only truly democratic clan in Runescape. We believe in freedom, liberty and equality. Except for our slaves.

We will detail different forms of legal griefing in this thread. See Page 2 and on for examples.
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.

24-Apr-2016 09:40:15 - Last edited on 22-Jul-2017 21:03:02 by Corugi



Posts: 19,109 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Clan Membership

Jagex's notion of clan membership makes us violently ill. Captains? Generals? That's an army, not a clan! So we have made up our own. There are five classes of clan membership. Prophets of Guthix, Anti-Members, the Undead, Slaves and Runaways.

Prophets of Guthix
: Actually join this clan, maybe. Or perhaps its because they post a lot. Dunno, could be its just because they have a heart beat. but most importantly, they "get it". If you don't know what is meant by "get it", then you just dont get it.

: Join our clan without actually joining our clan by just associating with us. Or mentioning our name. Or breathing. Or something.

The Undead.
People who would be members if they were alive. And if they would have been members then they would never have left. Which means they are not quite dead. Just don't expect them to talk a lot.

: Those who are forced into joining our clan against their will. You really shouldn't ask too many questions about this.

: Those who attempt to leave our clan. Very foolish. There is no leaving clan Grief.
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.

24-Apr-2016 09:40:31 - Last edited on 22-Jul-2017 21:25:55 by Corugi



Posts: 19,109 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

We are the only clan with a formal culture. Clan members will religiously obey our culture. Praise Guthix!

Treachery, double crossing, being utterly unfair and unreasonable are the cornerstones of our clan culture. Our avowed aim is to make everyone, including ourselves, miserable. And to have a jolly good time doing so.

Collaborative story telling, providing it is completely bent, bizarre, unfathomable and incomprehensible to normal people is considered a noble past time.

Creating events that serve no purpose other than to be silly is looked upon as highly worthy.

Clan mottos

Stoat King said :
"Who cares who cares?"

Original message details are unavailable.
If we can make everyone, including ourselves, miserable, we have succeeded. If we don't succeed at that then we will have made ourselves miserable. Which is just as good. Which means we have succeeded anyway. Which would make us happy. Which means we haven't succeeded ... wait. Damn. Oh look, just go away will you?
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.

24-Apr-2016 09:40:48 - Last edited on 22-Jul-2017 21:24:30 by Corugi



Posts: 19,109 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

All clan members are awarded a title based upon their personality, griefing knowledge and mighty griefing deeds. If you don't like the title you are awarded, then consider it an honour, because you have been griefed.


From time to time we annex other clans. And other things. For their own good. Pay no attention to their proclamations of Independence. Those are just the cries of rebel separatists who simply refuse to acknowledge us as their overlords. They will be hunted down and dealt with in due course.

List of Annexed clans and other things

High Level Forums.
The German Forums.
clan RS forumers.
clan The Name.
clan Coffeehouse
Prime numbers.
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.

24-Apr-2016 09:40:57 - Last edited on 03-Apr-2017 04:37:32 by Corugi



Posts: 19,109 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile


If you are not one of us then you are against us. We have no tolerance for namby-pamby good feels or warm fuzzies. It makes us want to puke.


Everyone and everything that is not of Grief. That includes gravity, fridges and green.
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.

24-Apr-2016 09:41:05 - Last edited on 08-May-2016 02:15:46 by Corugi



Posts: 19,109 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

ptuvb said :
This is of being evil clan and of cruelness! Is making war!

Corugi said :
Corugi is an evil villain who must be stopped.

Stoat King said :
This is one of the rare occasions where couscous laced with antifreeze is not the answer.

FiFi LaFeles said :
Corugi teeters on the very brink of insanity and chaos.
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.

24-Apr-2016 09:41:13 - Last edited on 15-Feb-2017 04:51:33 by Corugi

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