I think it was a great idea to create this Event Jagex. I think times have changed so much over the years that its great to accept and embrace lifes changes. I just wish that the world was a better place, and that we could accept everyone and the choices we make in life.
Every single person born in this world should be accepted for who they are,who they want to be,whichever job or studies they want to do,everything. Every single person is special and unique and i beleive that every one of us are equal. Spread love,spread happiness,spread joy,luck,love and everthing that can improve someone and all peoples lifes.
At a time of war,Pandemics,Inflation instead of bickering or trying to outdo each other,dont you think maybe the world would be a bit better if we got along,complimented people,be pleasent to each other and try and just respect each other and our views and decisions.
Ive suffered heartache in life just as i can imagine alot of Scapers have. Remember sometimes its the people that try to make you laugh or smile or so that are hurting the most.
Thank yous and stay safe.
27-Jun-2022 17:22:10