Zaros is more or less the same to me. He doesn't care for the Mahjarrat and was merely using them. No surprises there. He's manipulative and shady--expected. I can't say my view has changed. There isn't much to say here.
Zamorak...I'd say my view on him isn't tarnished or improved, but it is different.
Zamorak is a bit more surprising. Before now, he was always built up by J Mods (mostly Jack) as someone who might not be the strongest, but had a lot of skill to make up for this and wanted to build up his followers, but was still self centered as his philosophy may suggest. That was not the case.
As far as in game canon goes, he's a powerful but talentless fighter with a bleeding heart. He didn't actually fight Zaros, he just got lucky--Viggora was spot on with the nature of the fight even if he didn't get the details right. Zamorak was completely outmatched and it all came down to luck. Likewise, he doesn't seem capable of anything but throwing kamehamehas at his opponets and trying to win with brute force, no matter how illogical that is. In addition, he is far more emotional than I thought he would be jumping to save his people and give Zaros whatever he wants
without even asking for a specific demand or setting conditions
. Not to mention he's so self sacrificing that he's practically a lemming. At this point, part of me thinks he
to die, that he wants to be a martyr, a hero, someone who inspires others, rather than taking the mantle of "the strongest" for himself.
His emotional tendencies make the whole thing with Khazard more...intriquing. Maybe he really felt lonely after all these years and wanted to be a Daddy? It wouldn't surprise me at this point.
With that said, he's hardly the awe inspiring warrior he was painted out to be, but I can't complain about having a God who shows a willingness to die for me, rather than expecting me to die for him like so many other Gods.
Runescape doesn't need a needs a villain. An all encompassing force of evil that will remain ever-threatening and use chaos to make the peoples of Gielinor tolerate each other, grow strong together, and fight side by side against this evil. I am that villain.
11-Dec-2016 08:12:06