I've said this before, but I believe that the problems with Salt in the Wound are too severe to be ignored. Most of the plot didn't make sense, certain characters - including the main villain of the quest - acted out-of-character, and to top it off it was completely underwhelming.
Not to mention that it was clearly rushed and the developer wanted to shoehorn in some sort of relation to the then-new Dungeoneering skill, which also added to the lack of a sensible plot.
I would love for the quest to be reworked, but given the current release schedule of quests, that may upset more people than it would please. They could pull the quest completely and leave the Sea Slug series in the same development hell as the Pirate or Elemental Workshop series - but, while that would solve the issues with the quest, that would leave the Sea Slug series without a finished finale in the meantime.
Therefore, I think the best solution is to leave the quest as it is - for now - until the Sixth Age quests have become less urgent or desirable to release, and Jagex can focus on finishing or continuing the Fifth Age quest series. It may mean we won't see a solution for years, but it seems like the most reasonable approach they could take.
02-May-2015 19:16:52