This is so true! Not only has the number of quests a year dipped, but the quality has dipped dramatically! The best quest in recent years is probably The World Wakes. But even that quest is nothing in comparison to quests like While Guthix Sleeps, Darkness of Hallowvale, and Mournings end part 2. And the worst thing is, they started an ENTIRE new storyline, without even finishing their current ones! Quest lines like the elven and myreque have been going on for over a decade! The gnome story hasnt been concluded either, and theyve completely abandoned King Arthur and his knights. At this rate, we wont see the end of the sixth age until like 2030 with the amount of quests we get. Jagex should just ditch voice acting and the current crappy style of quests and go back to the classic style. PPlaying quests like Darkness of Hallowvale and Legacy of Seergaze actually made me into the storyline, and WANT to finish it. Quests nowadays are more of a chore then One Small Favor (Yea, I said it). Put the sixth age on hold, and finish the stories people actually want to see an end to.
30-Jun-2014 15:37:26