I would like to express my gratitude to Mod Alex S to review the situation. Though I am now aware that off-site links should be used as supporting material rather than the thread itself (though there was no explicit rule about this given).
I do have a mixed feeling about this though given I'm an exception on this matter. Perhaps I may write it on a new thread after all with the content summarized in there and the off-site content used as supporting material, as suggested. This would be fair compared to other users of the forum.
Anyhow, I rather not want to keep this thread occupied over this matter, so I would like to suggest to carry on the topic regarding FMR.
Mod Alex S
As the person who manages resourcing for the Player Support team, I can tell you that having PS look after the forums just isn't something we can do...
There aren't any plans to replace FMR, or for an alternative. The current FMod team have decades of experience between them, and are generally trusted to make the right call. FMods can also peer review each other's actions and discuss among themselves if any issues crop up.
I know it's probably not what you want to hear - but that's the honest answer!
So basically, Jagex no longer consider the forums worth devoting time to. CM doesn't want to do it, PS doesn't want to do it, so we'll just push it off onto the unpaid volunteers and expect them to do it with no oversight whatsoever.
You are correct, the lack of professionalism, and lack of respect for players, here is not something we wanted to hear.
This thread can now be closed.
~~~~ Just another victim of the ambient morality ~~~~
It is with sadness and regret that the thread was requested locked.
Was a hard call to add the padlock.
I really hope the Community can move forward and have a little more faith and trust in the Forum Moderator team. Remember you have 1 Question you can use on the Forum Help thread if you have an issue. So it's not all lost. See it as a Mini Review thread. Not ideal but what else is left.
Thank you Archaeox and everyone who took part on this thread. It was an eye opener for everyone who used it and read it and reviewed it over the last year.