Well now that other people have spoken further, don't mind if I do speak further myself!
I must say, I'm in agreement with Wilf.
In my opinion, which is an honestly held opinion, I do believe that there has been a conspiracy between F/LMods (maybe not all of them but at least a certain number of vocal ones) and Jagex which resulted in the removal of politics from Off-Topic.
I would not be surprised if my post gets hidden for stating the above, but then again it would only assist in furthering my points. My point here is that this decision was taken
without consulting the community
, likely behind the scenes, in contrast to when the 2017 Forum Rules Update were discussed
with the community first
before being implemented. My other point is that it seems that some people/mods are
taking offence
to things, and then getting involved without knowing the relevant facts and then moderating things.
It is my belief that what happened in OT probably did not result in loads of reports to FH. What likely happened was that there were controversial posts made and
mods taking controversial action, as alluded to earlier in this thread by some other user(s). Sometimes actions were justified, and at other times they were more controversial as it seemed that some were moderating without sufficient knowledge on the relevant topics, acting almost as "forum referees" for the sake of it, when nobody actually raised a complaint about said posts in Forum Help. I believe that the majority of moderation was likely in good faith and a lot relatively fair, but then again I also suspect there to be a significant amount that was done with insufficient topical knowledge.
If people want to debate endlessly, then imo, let them, as long as they are not causing harm to other people and spreading significant disinformation. Intervening because "people are debating endlessly for pages" isn't a valid excuse in itself imo, which I've seen used in some places..
01-Aug-2020 20:14:31