
RE: Political Discussions Thread is locked

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Dong U Dead

Dong U Dead

Posts: 29,016 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
^Political debates were inside threads, not affecting other threads - how can it be disheartening unless you go inside the thread itself??

Unless Politics took over a thread which wasn't initially Political <- to stop this happening we the thread owner should have been able to point out which direction we'd like our thread to go in, we should have been able to say this is a no political debate thread. If people can get a sense of the type of thread they are and to not engage in political debates within certain threads then people would know which threads to open and which not to open.

I think it's sad, even though I was not a political debater - if it was about New Zealand yes I would have had something to say, not enough New Zealanders in these forums to have had this conversation.

I wish we had a debate forum for those that enjoy a good debate which political debates can go in.
If fat means flavour then I'm ******* delicious!

03-Aug-2020 22:16:08

Jul Member 2019


Posts: 17,032 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

I have to disagree

The suggestion that OT is full of political and religious threads has been brought up multiple times and each time I've gone and counted and it is something like 1-3 on the first couple of pages which is nothing. If you go back through the pages you start to find more but they're down there for a reason (either locked or nobody posts) and most don't attract high numbers of posts either. Obviously I'm not around all the time well at least not now anyway so I might miss a week of posting.

The only times it is full is when a user mass bumps old threads such as happened a few weeks ago rather than the past few month i believe but because they're old threads they quickly drop down again. They also seem to create them as well.

You also occasionally get a spammer making them with no topic or changing the topic shortly after but that's always happened even before the rules were changed and that looks to be happening now by 77leve88

278-279-502-66066842 this is a thread from 2018 on my profile I comment on there being a couple of threads depending on if one is classed as political also a lot of the posts are against the removal and seem to be of the opinion that

Also 278-279-913-66136576 last page where I comment there is one religious thread (and say it should be locked) which means there were no political threads there.

Really it is a failing of the mods these threads are supposed to be subjected to more rigorous moderation and they were not. That was the trade off.

Off Topic hasn't been this active for many years and I'm sure all long time forum users can agree with this, while I won't say it is because we can discuss politics and religion I will say it hasn't put people off in any meaningful way

I'm surprised Kari hasn't posted on this thread, but who knows perhaps in the future when things are calmer in the world it can be looked at again.

03-Aug-2020 23:11:26 - Last edited on 03-Aug-2020 23:14:08 by Wilf

Dong U Dead

Dong U Dead

Posts: 29,016 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Stoat King said :
But then, I have seen some threads which say in their opening post 'This is not a political thread', only to have the OP themselves start politicizing the subject.

I'm sure your refering to me here... If so I'm sure if politics were brought it was brief or to answer someone who brought it up. There were no big debates as far as I can recall, if there were they were soon stopped as I feel they drown out the main reason of the thread - once politics is brought in to a thread it's normally a downward spiral for the thread - that's how I feel anyway - it drowns out everything else going on in the thread <- this is the reason I asked for no politics in one of my threads recently.

I feel owners of threads should have more of a say in how they would like their threads ran, what topics can and can not be brought into it - I feel this would help keep threads in line and more positive with good outlook. At the moment we can make threads and that's it, we have no say in anything. We often can see the negative stuff happening, often way before things get out of hands and we can't do anything about it until it's too late.
If fat means flavour then I'm ******* delicious!

04-Aug-2020 05:58:32

Stoat King

Stoat King

Posts: 5,075 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Wilf said :
Really it is a failing of the mods these threads are supposed to be subjected to more rigorous moderation and they were not. That was the trade off.

Whilst I don't disagree, I would argue that something happened regarding moderation (various colours) of those threads over a very short period - no more than a day or two - that dramatically raised the temperature. I could point out the pages and the threads if I could be bothered.

The threads in question were polarized enough anyway, but subsequently the more hysterical on one side became emboldened to the point where they felt they could literally say anything, and the other side became infuriated at what I imagine felt, and looked, like a blatant double standard.

04-Aug-2020 08:16:46

Jul Member 2019


Posts: 17,032 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think I know to what you are referring or at least some of it and going forward let's hope some lessons are learnt and more dubious decisions addressed

I look forward to the next batch of fmr answers

04-Aug-2020 10:49:07 - Last edited on 04-Aug-2020 10:50:17 by Wilf

Stoat King

Stoat King

Posts: 5,075 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Whilst I understand that some people are upset, I still think Mod Kari did the right thing here.
You could argue that banning political discussions was rather high-handed, but I'm not sure what other options there were realistically.
You've gotta run with what you've got.

04-Aug-2020 11:04:38

FiFi LaFeles

FiFi LaFeles

Posts: 24,106 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Personally, I have always believed that Moderators - any colour - should simply moderate known Rules on their designated Moderator account.

If they would like to take part in any threads as a non-Mod they should do it on an account that is clearly them, but just as clearly not an official Mod account.

Once having taken part on a thread in their non-Mod capacity they should then be unable to come back and subsequently moderate it. Leave that to other Mods who have not taken part and would be more likely to be dispassionate on the discussions taking place. With the exception perhaps of Lounge threads, where dramas rarely occur.

This would remove the blurring of lines between a Mods personal input and opinions and their moderating the Rules (as they see them).

Some might say this is a useless suggestion since there is collusion between Mods; I'm inclined to believe they are in the main not of the hive mind.

It's not just this current instance, I've always thought it. I've seen many occurrences over the years where a Mod seems at first to be posting their own views but then, upon presenting a weaker argument/debating point/differing stance to an 'ordinary' forumer - suddenly comes on strong, starts flexing and issuing warnings.

However, this is all a bit of a tangent to the original topic of the thread and no doubt will be viewed as 'Mod bashing' haha.
Le Chat Guerrier

Bwian's Towel & Grief Shop

04-Aug-2020 12:43:17 - Last edited on 04-Aug-2020 12:44:23 by FiFi LaFeles

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