Bank space is something which quite a few people are concerned about in RuneScape. You only need to search the term 'bank space' in all forums, and many threads will pop up as a result. A lot of these suggest we need more bank space, which is totally understandable to an extent. Other threads include compliments for adding bank space. What we have to remember though, is that bank space is also server space. Server space comes at a premium.
There are many collectors out there who like to keep various
such as quest items and pointless bits of armour, including myself. There are ways to keep within the limits of the bank without having to get rid of these quest items permanently. This is the first guide to explain in depth how to conserve bank space, with suggestions from both me and the rest of the community.
Before moving onto the guide, I feel it is important to point out that some of these tips will seem blatantly obvious. There are some strong and weak ways to save bank space, but every little helps. I will be outlining some common situations and giving advice on how to save bank space in each one. With that out of the way, feel free to read on.
This focuses more on adding space rather than saving it, so it is a fairly obvious one. Adding membership to your account gives you an additional 468 bank space on top of the 83 you get from being a free-to-play player. All players can purchase additional bank space (up 250) from Solomon's General Store for 420 RuneCoins each, with a 10% discount for members. There is currently an extra Bank Booster available for free to all members.
2. Wise Old Man
(All Players)
The Wise Old Man can be found in the house opposite the bank in Draynor Village. He will advise you on what free-to-play items you don't need to keep in your bank, but beware: some of these items are quest-related items that you cannot get back, such as the blurite sword.
3. Grand Exchange Sets
(All Players)
Grand Exchange sets aren't just there to make buying sets of armour easier: they can also be stored in your bank. They can save a great deal of bank space, especially if you are an armour collector. As a practical example: if you have four Barrows sets, combine them into a Grand Exchange set and store them in your bank to only take up four slots rather than 16. What is the likelihood of you using all four sets at once?
4. Non-tradeable Discontinued Items
(All Players)
Unless you are using these, you don't need them. Non-tradeable discontinued items can be destroyed and can be retrieved at any time from Diango in Draynor Village market.
Please note that will
be able to retrieve tradeable discontinued items from Diango, including:
* Christmas Crackers
* Christmas Tree Hats
* Crown of Seasons
* Disks of Returning
* Easter Eggs
* Fish Masks
* Half Jugs of Wine
* Halloween Masks
* Partyhats (all colours)
* Pumpkins
* Santa Hats
All non-tradeable discontinued items can be retrieved.
You must have level 42 Construction to do this, but you don't require a level above this in order to purchase and build flat-packs from other players. This means you can start using high level items storage (such as mahogany) straight away.
A Costume Room can store many items, including special metal armour, magical robes, treasure trail items, random event items and holiday items. If you are a serious collector, you will find this very useful.
6. Bookcase
You don't need to keep quest-related books in your bank any more. Bookcases can be placed in various rooms around a house. Level 40 Construction is required to make the mahogany one; however, you can buy a flat-pack and build one without this level requirement. A bookcase will tell you which books you have and which quests you obtained them in. You can take them out at any time to read.
7. Destroying Quest Items
(All Players)
A lot of quests give you items you either don't need or can destroy and get them back again. If you click 'Destroy' on an item, you will be told where you can obtain it again should you need it. Please note that there are some items you cannot get back.
8. Using Items Immediately
(All Players)
This includes items like uncut gems. If you have a pile of cut diamonds already, you might as well cut the uncut ones as soon as you get them to save some bank space. Also, try to get the second strange rock if you already have the first. Since these can't be stacked, they can easily clog up the bank. By using them at Varrock Museum, you have nothing to lose and experience to gain. To achieve this effectively, check your bank occasionally (thanks to
Page 2; Post 4
Upon completion of the
'One Small Favour'
quest, you are rewarded with a keyring to store various keys on. You do not need to take the keys off the keyring in order to use them; however, you should be aware that if you die with a keyring, you will lose all the keys on it.
10. Summoning Pouches and Scrolls
You really only need to store the pouches you find useful, and see yourself using. The same goes for scrolls. Selling the pouches you don't need in the Grand Exchange is a good idea that will not only save bank space, but get you some money as well. Alternatively, you can trade pouches to Bogrog at the Gu'Tannot* Summoning shop. He will happily accept your pouches or scrolls and give you back 75% of the Summoning Shards required to make the pouch or scroll.
11. Charge-Based Items
Charge-based items, such as amulets of glory, take up bank space if you have items of a different charge level. It's good practice to either have them all charged, or have a stack of charged and take one from the charged pile; don't use a new one until that one is out of charge.
12. Combining Items
If you can, combine objects into one to save a bit of bank space. A practical example here is the Slayer helmets, which can save up to four slots of bank space and six for a full helmet.
Unnecessary items includes things like potions, food and even weapons to an extent. You don't really need a regular attack potion if you have a super attack potion. You also don't need lobsters if you have sharks.
14. Item Lending
(All Players)
Like I said before, every little helps; even if it's just one space. You can lend an item you don't need to a friend for a short term and once it is returned, it'll appear in your Returned Items box and not your bank; thus saving one slot. Please remember that this is only a one way system, and once you've taken the item out, you cannot store it there again unless you lend it again.
15. E-mail Registration
(All Players)
If you register your e-mail address with Jagex, you will be rewarded with 20 extra bank slots regardless of whether you are a member or not. It's definitely worth doing and not only will you get additional bank space, but also a quick account recovery process.
16. Tool Belt
(All Players)
Adding items to the tool belt can save you up to 20 (free-to-play) or 39 (pay-to-play) bank spaces.
Page 2; Post 1 - Grand Exchange banking. Put 'sell' offers into the Grand Exchange at maximum price, but only use items you are prepared to risk losing. Not recommended for items you use regularly, although you can make money from it if you then put an offer in for a lower price and hope to get it back in the long term.
Page 3; Post 7 - Avoid converting tradable items into untradable items, unless you intend to use them. Examples include tree saplings and the Amulet of Nature (pre-nature amulet is tradable).
Page 4; Post 1 - Use the Tool Leprechaun to store farming items. You can save an additional 9 bank slots by doing this.
Page 4; Post 1 - Combination staves can also save a few bank slots. For example, you don't need a fire staff and earth staff if you have a lava staff.
Page 4; Post 6 - Don't store items such as arrows or runes, that you don't necessarily need. Buy them whenever you need them (of course, we have exceptions to this such as law runes).
Page 4; Post 8 - Use Lunar spells to generate Hunter equipment, rather than storing it in your bank.
Page 5; Post 4 - Purchase a pouch for crossbow bolts from Hirko in Keldagrim.
Page 5; Post 6 - Speak to Barnabus Hurma at the Varrock Museum to get a statue piece collection bag - useful for storing your strange rocks.
Page 6; Post 2 - Create a Teleport Chamber in your POH and buy 'Teleport to House' tablets.
Page 8; Post 1 - Decant potions and jewellery charges at the Grand Exchange.
Page 10; Post 3 - Destroy any items you got from the Loyalty Shop as they can be retrieved at any time at no cost once purchased.
Page 11; Post 3 - Too many tips for the character limit, but they are great additions which are definitely worth reading.
Page 13; Post 1 - Keepsake to save a small amount of bank space.
So there you have it. A few basic tips to help you save bank space. Hopefully these will help a bit, and if you have any further tips feel free to post in this thread. You will receive full credit for your ideas and they will be added to the front page.