
Did Forum Mods Kill Forums?

Quick find code: 278-279-694-66258551

Apr Member 2012


Posts: 23,350 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nead said :
Joel said :
So I guess the question from here is... what is the problem & how can it be solved? (maybe that's 2 questions ;) )

Problem: Employees paid to focus on external social media.
Solution: Focus the same team more on the official forums and it's development.

Of course it's naturally easier said, than done.
While I'm quite sure the official stance is that it's a bit more complicated than this (and it very well may be, I don't manage communities as part of my normal day-job), I don't think the problem or solution could be said any more succinctly.

Food scientists have finally managed to remove the mint flavor from gum! The ex-spearmint was a success!

13-Aug-2022 01:31:02



Posts: 22,959 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Us (us, us, us, us) and them (them, them, them, them)
And after all we're only ordinary men
And you (you, you, you)
God only knows
It's not what we would choose (choose, choose) to do (to do, to do)
Forward he cried from the rear
And the front rank died
And the general sat
And the lines on the map
Moved from side to side
Black (black, black, black)
And blue (blue, blue)
And who knows which is which and who is who
Up (up, up, up, up)
And down (down, down, down, down)
And in the end it's only round 'n round (round, round, round)
Haven't you heard it's a battle of words
The poster bearer cried
"Listen son", said the man with the gun
There's room for you inside
"I mean, they're not gonna kill ya
So if you give 'em a quick short, sharp, shock
They won't do it again. Dig it?
I mean he get off lightly, 'cause I would've given him a thrashing
I only hit him once! It was only a difference of opinion, but really
I mean good manners don't cost nothing do they, eh?"
Down (down, down, down, down)
And out (out, out, out, out)
It can't be helped that there's a lot of it about
With (with, with, with), without
And who'll deny it's what the fighting's all about?
Out of the way
It's a busy day
I've got things on my mind
For the want of the price
Of tea and a slice
The old man died

This is pretty much how we do stand today for more than a decade of talking about the issue after a new forum moderator team entered The RuneScape Official Forums, after changes were made due to Andrew Gower leaving Jagex.
There's not a single line in the text above that is out of phase when talking about the issue forum moderators and The RuneScape Community. And we are still talking attempting to bring forward the issue that lies ahead.
Some forum moderators did move and evolved making a good connection with The RuneScape Community but others do stand their ground not moving an inch.

It is not the problem of '

13-Aug-2022 08:01:41



Posts: 22,959 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Windsofnight said :
... My question would be if Jagex's CM & Player Support teams are not going to make changes on RSOF then who can?

It is IMO that it would be the FMods & the RSOF Community.
None of the above

Forum moderators are '
players first
' and thus a '
part of The RuneScape Community
Forum moderators are not a special entity as some do believe and radiate. They all do belong to the same community and that's about it.
Treat yourself different and you do create your own future mayhem you have to fight against with the tools Jagex/JMods gave you for maintaining The RuneScape Oficial Forums.
Maintain it in good order so the forums would trive well for The RuneScape Community.

The RuneScape Official Forums are alike Social Media, people who created them are not present as enforcers but merely do contribute on a personal note out of the limelights when they personally feel up to.

13-Aug-2022 08:13:29

Roddy Piper
Jan Member 2011

Roddy Piper

Posts: 13,751 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My intention wasn't to report the thread I mentioned. It was to highlight the fact you guys ONLY seem to act on reports. That thread had a very high number of individual users, so I can't imagine how the mods all missed it.

I've been assured y'all do monitor the traffic on this forum and that you don't need additional help.

IF you are only acting on the reports, that gives way too much power to the folks who camp the forum help thread. THEY decide what gets moderated.

13-Aug-2022 14:38:19

Mar Member 2017


Posts: 6,634 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
2_Tron said :
Windsofnight said :
... My question would be if Jagex's CM & Player Support teams are not going to make changes on RSOF then who can?

It is IMO that it would be the FMods & the RSOF Community.
None of the above

Forum moderators are '
players first
' and thus a '
part of The RuneScape Community
'. Forum moderators are not a special entity as some do believe and radiate. They all do belong to the same community and that's about it.

I agree that FMods are 'players first and thus a 'part of the Runescape Community'. However, they have the confidence of Jagex, forum specific tools enabled by Jagex to perform moderation & housekeeping duties of the forum which affords them the ability to make positive constructive changes to the RSOF.

FMods are a special entity, (your words, not mine), because, again, they have the confidence of Jagex, forum specific tools enabled by Jagex to perform moderation & housekeeping duties of the forum which affords them the ability to make positive constructive changes to the RSOF.

In addition, the role of the FMod has evolved over time. In case you may have missed the latest update regarding FMods, per Jagex, "The current FMod team have decades of experience between them, and are generally trusted to make the right call. FMods can also peer review each other's actions and discuss among themselves if any issues crop up." (Thus eliminating any need for a "FMR, or for an alternative".)

13-Aug-2022 16:34:40

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 1,648 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
From what I've seen from this thread and RuneScape as a whole over the past decade, it's forum mods delegating blame to JMods and JMods delegating blame to upper management.

Nobody takes responsibility. Because nobody is taking responsibility, forums will stay the way it is - dead.

I can already see this conversation happening:
"Forum Mod" - I created this rule but a JMod agreed to it a month later without doing more research! It's their fault for the death of forums.
"JMod" - We're limited in staff size because of upper management.
Result: Nothing happens.

You can't simply say that Forum Mods don't create rules because Jagex owns the website and has the final say. If you wrote and voted to pass a bill, and a Jagex Mod ends up saying ok because they have no clue what goes on in Forums anymore, the person who created the bill in the first place is the person who made it. In this case, it's a Forum Mod.

I get everyone wants to pass the blame around, but just look at the issues that made forums die in the first place then reverse the policy. It's very simple. It's like when RuneScape created 2007scape and reversed all the stupid changes over the course of a decade. Would you look at that, it has 15x the playerbase as RS3.

If you want to keep your existing players:

-> Allow discussion in threads
-> Stop banning people from posting about their communities
-> Allow people to make whatever thread related to the topic without it getting locked for the stupidest reason. (*)
- Change the moderation team that made forums die to begin with.

* An example is when someone tried making a Seed Item Status thread and it gets locked because a well known Forum Moderator says "we don't need that here". The person then never uses forums again.
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14-Aug-2022 05:12:37 - Last edited on 14-Aug-2022 05:32:12 by Pis2ols

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 1,648 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If we want to revive forums all together:

Change the Forum moderation team
. Nobody is going to come back to forums when you have a condescending Forum Mod who hides as many threads/comments as possible.

Not the whole moderation team, just the most disliked people of the team that made hundreds of users leave.

If a Jagex Mod wanted proof that a RuneScape forums can be popular again and would be willing to change some staff members, I would be willing to give up a few days of my time to re-code RuneScape forums on Ely.

I can say for certainty that it will be more popular because the moderation staff/rules are different.
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14-Aug-2022 05:25:35 - Last edited on 14-Aug-2022 05:29:49 by Pis2ols

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 40,589 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Pis2ols said :
If we want to revive forums all together:

Change the Forum moderation team
. Nobody is going to come back to forums when you have a condescending Forum Mod who hides as many threads/comments as possible.

I guarantee that would have no effect whatsoever.
While JMods favour Reddit, Twitter et al over these forums, of course people are going to go there.
Who's the cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

14-Aug-2022 10:43:28



Posts: 32,671 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Guys, I would advise you to take a cold hard look over the last couple of pages of your posting.
Player and Forum Mod alike.

After rereading it ..... why in the bloody Guthix forsaken wasteland that is the RSOF should Jagex waste developer time trying to revive this broken down waste of cyberspace?

They haven't updated the forums code in what .... over a decade?

The number of active users at any time is barely in the single digits.

We might as well be asking for a revival of Myspace and Friendster as mainstream social media platforms.

At this stage ..... I'm all for Jagex taking the nuclear option and pulling the plug on the RSOF all together.

That way you don't need to worry about the issues of a cruddy forums UI, the lack of Jmod activity, however you might feel the Fmods are behaving, or having to worry about toxicity on the forums.
Because the RSOF no longer exists.

Jmods are using Reddit, Twitter, et al anyways.

Lack of activity on the RSOF is no different than the issue of "Dead minigames" in RS3 and OSRS.

Flip thru any of our subforums here and take a long hard look at how old many of the posts are past page 10 ... page 20 ... even on page 50.
There was a time when some of these subforums had turn over over the span of a month.
The Future Updates Forum has posts going back to the release of the mining and smithing update.
Recent games has stuff since last year.
Game suggestions is nearly a year old on the last page.
The General subforum only goes back to the start of February 2022 .. so only 6 months.
And these are the ACTIVE subforums.

15-Aug-2022 04:43:20 - Last edited on 15-Aug-2022 04:55:21 by Deltaslug

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