
Did Forum Mods Kill Forums?

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Posts: 22,959 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
About The RSOF and about criticising moderation Jagex/JMods have given me for more than a decade the opportunity to do so and they stop me if they deem necessary.

Social Media, gave Jagex/JMods the opportunity to stay in contact with them after Jagex/JMods were prohibited to use The RuneScape Official Forums for said time it should last.
It was anything better than not being allowed to speak with their playerbase they already new for more than 7 years.

I do wonder if you ever have followed discussions in Forum Feedback & Website Feedback about his matter but I can't recall any of you doing that or we missed each other one way or the other.

04-Aug-2022 18:18:15

Jul Member 2019


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Roddy Piper said :
"@Rooh, since you have cut out a tiny fragment of said post to me it says something different than our agreement about a point of view."

That's quite a problem isn't it? Literally, the next word he did not quote was "but"


04-Aug-2022 20:33:57

Dec Member 2023


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Rooh said :
but even if I wasn't in this position my opinion would stand, social media killed the forums, not the FMods.

I've already pointed to four specific rules created by a Forum Moderator that drove people off forums over the past half decade. These rules made people switch to places like Discord, where the moderation team was different.

I used to make my 500+ FC members post item prices on forums for ranks. No point of doing that anymore given that the rules made by a single Forum Moderator, targeted me in specific.

Again, I'm pretty sure I can single-handedly revive Item Discussion forums but there's no point since the Forum Moderator team won't change, alongside the rules one Forum Mod made out of spite.

To the point where Forums died because of a lack of JMod presence, this is untrue as well because there's tons of item discussion communities (such as mine) that don't have a JMod. The moderation team is just different.
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05-Aug-2022 02:56:19 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2022 02:58:48 by Pis2ols

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 40,589 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Pis2ols said :

I've already pointed to four specific rules created by a Forum Moderator that drove people off forums over the past half decade. These rules made people switch to places like Discord, where the moderation team was different.

I used to make my 500+ FC members post item prices on forums for ranks. No point of doing that anymore given that the rules made by a single Forum Moderator, targeted me in specific.

Again, I'm pretty sure I can single-handedly revive Item Discussion forums but there's no point since the Forum Moderator team won't change, alongside the rules one Forum Mod made out of spite.

To the point where Forums died because of a lack of JMod presence, this is untrue as well because there's tons of item discussion communities (such as mine) that don't have a JMod. The moderation team is just different.

Forum Mods don't make the rules.
What are the four rules you're referring to?
Who's the cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

05-Aug-2022 10:29:53

God Drakan

God Drakan

Posts: 686 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
They are half of the problem on the forums, the other half are the trolls that spend their entire life on forums to troll and report others when they lose arguments or when their actions cant troll/derail threads. Mods get the hate because they are biased, unprofessional, toxic and abusive in open sight. A good example is that they mention how they remove posts and they flame users afterwards, after all u can moderate without starting to comment on the thread u just moderated right? If you check the current forum help for mods posts u will see quite some hateful comments from them-i wont say which but their posts are still there. They work hand in hand with trolls and they simply push ppl away from the forums, killing it indirectly. They bend every rule on the forums and can interpret a users ''hi'' as an abusive comment. Everything that happens on these forums is filtered by the interests of certain ppl who are aided by the mods.

05-Aug-2022 23:37:39

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 1,648 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Rooh said :

Forum Mods don't make the rules.
What are the four rules you're referring to?

Sorry, three rules were created from this forum mod. This person inappropriately used an existing rule of "appropriate content" to remove many threads that were related to item discussion that they deemed useless. I remember someone tried price checking seeds and the post got removed.

Anyway, one forum mod created these three rules.

1. Banning Friends Chats to be mentioned in posts in Item Discussion.
2. Removing "related" threads that were posted
3. Banning Discussion in the Item Discussion threads

I'd love to list the ramifications from some of these things but you could notice a decline in activity after one forum mod made them to target me.
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06-Aug-2022 00:52:36 - Last edited on 06-Aug-2022 01:09:09 by Pis2ols

Dec Member 2023


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Ramifications of #1:

1. Banning Friends Chats to be mentioned in posts in Item Discussion.

All friends chats used to give ranks to players who listed prices on forums.

R Quark ran the Discontinued Item Status lines, Th Rares PC ran the Token Status lines, 90 Weps PC ran the Weapons price checks.

The threads were popular for price checking items and the friends chats were packed of 60/100 people. I ended up making my own friends chat to have ranks post lines. A certain forum mod banned the mention of FCs in posts. Because nobody could find these chats anymore, all the friends chat above died.

However, mine ended up surviving, since we didn't grow off forums. As a result, there were less prices posted, and people would go to other places, such as Discord for price checks.
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06-Aug-2022 00:55:33 - Last edited on 06-Aug-2022 01:09:46 by Pis2ols

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 1,648 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ramifications of #2

2. Removing "related" threads that were posted

I ended up getting approval from Mod Poerkie to create my Token Item Status thread and Low Volume Item Status threads. After Poerkie left, a certain forum mod would pressure Kari to delete my thread.

People just wouldn't post threads anymore because a forum mod tried to monopolize the concept of "thread rights" and hand over "rights" to certain players they liked. The amount of threads posted declined.
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06-Aug-2022 00:59:05 - Last edited on 06-Aug-2022 01:10:49 by Pis2ols

Dec Member 2023


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3. Banning Discussion in the Item Discussion threads

One forum mod conflated "Discussion" with manipulation. Popular threads with 100+ pages such as discussing Tongue Cape prices and Zombie Walk prices were removed by a specific forum moderator.

Things really started dying when this forum moderator banned discussion under "Price checking threads".

One could not chat about trends from Partyhats or comment about a price change in any of the Item Status.

As a result, nobody would discuss things in the
Item Discussion Threads
anymore. This is why discord became popular, you don't have forum mods looking over anything you type to another player.

The item threads only became item price checks, and now you have 1 PC every 5 days, which is incredibly sad.
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06-Aug-2022 01:04:22 - Last edited on 06-Aug-2022 01:04:44 by Pis2ols

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 1,648 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My website, community, and friends chat is already 1000x+ popular than RuneScape forums. I'm not here just to be salty about a forum mod.

I do want Forums to be popular again and I've already went out to prove that an Item Discussion Community can be popular under a
different moderation team.
Not sure what you can ask of any other community member lol

That's up to Jagex if they want to change things or revert rules, but as it stands, these are are the main reason why Forums declined. People can continue to hide behind their shiny green crown but it doesn't mean anything when this community is dead. Shifting blame to something else and continuing everything as is is inexcusable.
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06-Aug-2022 01:06:56 - Last edited on 06-Aug-2022 01:12:25 by Pis2ols

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