Ignoring the Godsword, which is the core prize of this competition, shouldn't the 10 participants who won the Quest Clan Cup a few months back receive the title as well?
One group (Clan Loarnab's team) completed all the Free-to-play Quests before any other team, and have earned an in-game reference in Quest 200 plus some additional cool prizes.
My group (Clan The Scrying Pool's team) completed the most quests in an entire week, with one of our members finishing While Guthix Sleeps from a brand new account in that space of one week. We also earned an in-game reference in Quest 200 plus the additional awesome stuff.
But this new title. This is something you can show off on your individual character, and not just as a clan. Shouldn't the 10 of us that took the time to participate in the Clan Cup and
get this title as well? Especially on The Scrying Pool's side, as we did what this competition was, but for 4 extra days.
@Fannygirdle on Twitter | Co-Owner of The Scrying Pool, a future updates and lore clan
18-Mar-2015 14:24:52