I'm really looking forward to the quest*val, but the competition for the title has to be changed, first of all, I think that only people who have got quest capes should be allowed to have the title, otherwise it would just be pathetic, a person who hasn't even completed all quest doesn't deserve a title like that.
Secondly, the competition itself is a bit stupid...
What makes a good quester? The ability to skip dialogue and lore as fast as possible? I don't think so, but that is what the winner of the title is gonna be good at, questing is all about diving into the lore of runescape, not skipping it...
I think that you should have some kind of quest-lore-quiz, and the winner of that would get the title, that would truly test how good you are at questing, and if someone without a questcape would win the quiz, then they should unlock the title, but they should not be able to use it until they have earned their questcape. Maybe you can claim it from the wise old man?
18-Mar-2015 17:56:38