Best Quester Competition
- give us your opinion on the prizes and what, if anything, should be changed. Results collected at 12:00 gametime tomorrow (20th Mar)
Welcome, welcome! The Questival is just launching and we've got plenty going on!
This here is a forewarning of the Questing competition! This competition will run from 00:00 Game time Saturday 28th to 23:59 Sunday 29th March . That's the final weekend of Questival, and your last chance at getting The Prepared title!
To win this particular competition, all you need to do is get as many quest points as possible over the weekend! The account which has the most quest points gained will be declared the winner and will have one of these babies sent to them ....

That's right - one real life Godsword will be sent to the account owner who gains the most quest points over the weekend! You will also be the sole owner of the title "Questival King/Questival Queen"!
Better get yourselves training!
1. How do I take part?
Just get questing! We'll find out the account which has earned the most quest points when the weekend ends.
2. How do I know if I've won?
We'll send an inbox message to the winner on March 30th, and announce them on this thread.
3. What if I've completed all the quests on my account?
You may want to take this as an early warning and start training up another account, so you're ready to take on a number of quests when the time comes.
4. Can I combine the quest points that I gained on this account, which the quest points gained on another account?
No - as we can't automatically link your accounts, you will only be measured on one account's successes.
5. Do I get anything if I don't win, but I take part?
Progress in life? Warm, fuzzy feelings inside?
Well, if you do the five quests required for the 200th Quest, you will receive "The Prepared" title!
Competition Terms and Conditions
Good luck, have fun!

Product Manager | @JagexKalaya
09-Mar-2015 16:29:23 - Last edited on 19-Mar-2015 09:46:51 by Mod Kalaya