This competition is wrong in so many ways. There needs to be a compromise to the title. I don't believe the title of "Ultimate Quester" should go to someone who can speed run an account. At least change it to something suitable like "Speed Quester" or give the Ultimate title to all those who have quest cape by the end of the two weeks.
I shouldn't have to make a new account let alone pay for a separate membership just to take place in this contest. It's basically punishment for having already completed the quests.
I also highly doubt that the
person who manages to win will have been playing fairly...
EDIT: I would feel better about the contest if the title was changed to something that didn't sound like they're the best quester ever. It needs to be something to do with speed. I'll list off a few ideas to do my part.
*Items in parenthesis are for similar options
-Speed(y) Quester
-(the) Quest Runner
-Quick Quester
-Quest Flash
-Quest Bolt
Yes, I am aware I'm not good at coming up with names. But I won't have it said that I didn't give a few options to compromise with. I'm pretty much fine with any name that emphasizes that the winner is one who completes quests quickly as opposed to one who completes all quests.
18-Mar-2015 04:07:24
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18-Mar-2015 04:19:39
Still I don't like the idea of having to pay a bond for membership on an alt or pay an actual membership, for only a week or two if I'd start today...
I saw someone mention it before, but for those with a quest cape, give them something aswell as they did do all the quests because they most likely like the content.
Either way, good luck to those that want to participate. I hope that someone with a quest cape will win.
I might break more than alcohol can repair.
Really dissapointed Jagex, Quest Capers like myself have earned it, it took me years to get the stats for some quests back in the day and now you want me to do it again?
What if I don't want a second account?
Are you also not basically recommending that we transfer wealth and assets between 2 accounts because otherwise there's no way to get high enough in level to be successful.
And another point, Ultimate Quester? I could tell you every bit of lore from every major quest, I don't cut scene skip, I read and imagine and get involved with the story, why is an up and comer who holds space bar during every quest to skip dialogue an Ultimate quester?
I completed Nomad, Monkey Madness, Desert Treasure RFD, WGS etc etc years ago when they were still hard, why am I not deservent of "Ultimate quester"?
Sonja Grier
I fell like the Questmasters deserve the title by default. We allready completed all the Quests, so no need to proof that we are true Ultimate questers.
I will not be reading the thread to see if there was a response to this yet but I thought one of the requirements for the lorehound title was completing all of the quests.
Yes that is true, and I do own that title, the problem I am having is of a different nature though. I think most people here are in an outrage about this competition because they want to be able to show the world that they completed 199 Quests PRIOR to the release of the 200th Quest. The Lorehound title hardly shows that achievement, since it can be obtained at any point, even after the release of the 200th Quest.
This wouldn't be as bad as it currently is, if Jagex showed some love to those who played and (mostly) enjoyed their content. A race for questpoints is hardly a competition worthy of giving away the Title "Ultimate Quester", since at no point it is in the competitors intrest of enjoying the story, but rather to finish the quest ASAP.
Many People are suggesting different things but mainly there are 3 different suggested ways to go about this problem:
1: Owners of the Quest cape gain the title by default.
2: Change the name of the Rewarded Title to something more fitting
3: Allow people to join a seperate server where all their Quests(and Points) are reset(only on that server) so they can do the Quests again.
I can see 1 and 2 being a realistic attempt (and I am not saying this because I suggest 1 myself, rather it is a objective observation).
Jojo - Still cannot decide who's better:
The last thing we intended to do was devalue your achievement, we we can take a look at the title tomorrow when the team are together and change it if necessary. I would ask for your suggestions as to what you think would be a good alternative.
Mod Balance
I really like the competition and I think it's a great idea for everyone. Especially since the Ultimate Quester title really appealed to me and brought me straight into creating a new account to train. I am kind of sad that it will be changed, but that might be selfish of me. Hope that it will still be something worth going for.
I do hope the title will not have anything like "Speed" or "Quick" in it, because even if yes the competition is about speedrunning quests, you still require a lot of knowledge and strategies to be able to perform at best. I cannot think of any suggestions at the moment, but will support a few when I see some I like.
Hope everyone will be happy this way though, a competition is meant for fun obviously.
Edit: The one thing I don't agree on is making the title not unique. That would devalue the competition by a lot, since most that will have a good chance are probably quest capers. The concept of gaining unique title's where only 1 person have them is something we have not seen before, and I think it is a pretty good concept to try out.
Quest(i)val King - Gamebreaker - Proud CWafkers general - Master Quester and Lorehound - Going for Insane Final Boss
18-Mar-2015 08:49:36
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18-Mar-2015 08:52:39
I'm sorry, but this entire contest seems completely backwards. You're trying to celebrate quests this week but then you're telling people to not take time to enjoy them, to not actually give a damn about the dialogue, the story, the puzzles. To just use a guide and rush as quickly as possible. This contest has everything to do with ruining the questing experience for people and not actually taking time to enjoy the quests. Its just a bad idea regardless of the title. We should be trying to get people into the lore, not rewarding them for spacebarring through it.
The last thing we intended to do was devalue your achievement, we we can take a look at the title tomorrow when the team are together and change it if necessary. I would ask for your suggestions as to what you think would be a good alternative.
Mod Balance
I really like the competition and I think it's a great idea for everyone. Especially since the Ultimate Quester title really appealed to me and brought me straight into creating a new account to train. I am kind of sad that it will be changed, but that might be selfish of me. Hope that it will still be something worth going for.
I do hope the title will not have anything like "Speed" or "Quick" in it, because even if yes the competition is about speedrunning quests, you still require a lot of knowledge and strategies to be able to perform at best. I cannot think of any suggestions at the moment, but will support a few when I see some I like.
Hope everyone will be happy this way though, a competition is meant for fun obviously.
Edit: The one thing I don't agree on is making the title not unique. That would devalue the competition by a lot, since most that will have a good chance are probably quest capers. The concept of gaining unique title's where only 1 person have them is something we have not seen before, and I think it is a pretty good concept to try out.
I'm sorry, but the competition is an ill-thought out idea. Rewarding speed over actually encouraging new players to enjoy the lore,story, combat and puzzles involved. Encouraging players to not take time to enjoy the quest but instead guide and spacebar their way through. It doesn't matter if a quester wins if it further encourages this behavior in non-questers then its harmful.
I'm sorry, but this entire contest seems completely backwards. You're trying to celebrate quests this week but then you're telling people to not take time to enjoy them, to not actually give a damn about the dialogue, the story, the puzzles. To just use a guide and rush as quickly as possible. This contest has everything to do with ruining the questing experience for people and not actually taking time to enjoy the quests. Its just a bad idea regardless of the title. We should be trying to get people into the lore, not rewarding them for spacebarring through it.
Quests can be enjoyed in multiple ways. There is no "right" way to enjoy quests. This competition is not meant for people that enjoy the dialog and lore content they offer, but for people who would spacebar through them either way or already experienced the quest/lore content to the fullest (quest capers).
Quest(i)val King - Gamebreaker - Proud CWafkers general - Master Quester and Lorehound - Going for Insane Final Boss
18-Mar-2015 09:01:54
- Last edited on
18-Mar-2015 09:06:24
The last thing we intended to do was devalue your achievement, we we can take a look at the title tomorrow when the team are together and change it if necessary. I would ask for your suggestions as to what you think would be a good alternative.
Mod Balance
I really like the competition and I think it's a great idea for everyone. Especially since the Ultimate Quester title really appealed to me and brought me straight into creating a new account to train. I am kind of sad that it will be changed, but that might be selfish of me. Hope that it will still be something worth going for.
I do hope the title will not have anything like "Speed" or "Quick" in it, because even if yes the competition is about speedrunning quests, you still require a lot of knowledge and strategies to be able to perform at best. I cannot think of any suggestions at the moment, but will support a few when I see some I like.
Hope everyone will be happy this way though, a competition is meant for fun obviously.
Edit: The one thing I don't agree on is making the title not unique. That would devalue the competition by a lot, since most that will have a good chance are probably quest capers. The concept of gaining unique title's where only 1 person have them is something we have not seen before, and I think it is a pretty good concept to try out.
I'm sorry, but the competition is an ill-thought out idea. Rewarding speed over actually encouraging new players to enjoy the lore,story, combat and puzzles involved. Encouraging players to not take time to enjoy the quest but instead guide and spacebar their way through. It doesn't matter if a quester wins if it further encourages this behavior in non-questers then its harmful.
Majority of the players spacebar through them anyway, it is a type of play style that they prefer.
Quest(i)val King - Gamebreaker - Proud CWafkers general - Master Quester and Lorehound - Going for Insane Final Boss