The tutorial ends outside the Taverly cave, which is even closer to Goblin Diplomacy start point.
After you're done with the tutorial, the game gives you some suggestion as to what to do next such as Train Archeology (6th Age content), Bossing (Requires combat levels), Construction (Requires lots of GP) or go to Lumbridge.
Most players would go to Lumbridge or do their own thing, the tutorial is over.
Doesn't really matter much. Jagex will want new players to train Necromancy. So Necromancy will be part of the current tutorial (Or the just give us a new one, the current tutorial is really bad)
A new and/or updated tutorial will give updates to the f2p game.
There is a bit more after level 40 Thieving. F2p would have Level 62 PP Rogues and at Level 65 Rogues Chests until the Level 92 PP Rogue Captain.
With Access to the Thieves' Guild, f2p will have the same best training method as members to level 62.
Running out of Run Energy does happen, getting Agility to level 5 is one of the 1st things to do on a f2p account.
A F2p Thieving would need Agility, And Agility needs fixing in the members game.
I think may be best to focus my efforts on making Agility more fun on members
Why I am going so hard on it, is because the f2p game needs a major quest line. Jagex can ether create one for the f2p game or give f2p a members quest line.
I think a members quest line is the way to go, but will require Agility and Thieving to be f2p.
Good points with the 120's f2p
The only skill f2p can train to 120 is Dungeoneering and that caps out very quickly.
However, the skill is design not to get sluggish, boring or repetitive.
If Necromancy does extremely well. Then I can see the other combat skills going to 120. F2p would get benefits with combat skills at 120 using T50 Rune equipment.
Or Necromancy may allow for 120 Runecrafting and f2p will be able to craft more runes at higher levels, giving more RC xp.
29-Jun-2023 15:46:07