Doing Goblin Diplomacy without a wiki is very hard. Considering this quest is needed for Dorgesh-Kaan, I would make that quest easier.
Other NPCS such as Doric and Boric would have a light source for the player.
What will F2P gain with Thieving and Agility?
Early game GP (On a F2p Ironman, this is would be very useful)
Stalls for Free Food (Cakes are very good for early game)
Thieves' Guild
Rogues' Den
Some Wildy Areas
Quests Rewards (Stolen Hearts, Heartstealer, Perils of Ice Mountain)
Many Quests (Buyers and Cellars, From Tiny Acorns, Lost Her Marbles, Lost Tribe, Death of the Dorgenshuu, The Giant Dwarf, The Dig Site, Another Slice of H.A.M., Troll Stronghold, Troll Romance)
As For Training Agility, this skill sucks on members as well.
F2P would have.
Burthope Course
Death Plateau Cave
Al-kharid Course (Stolen Hearts)
Wildy Course
Dorgesh-Kaan Agility Course
What I would add.
During Lost Tribe, make the cave path you take a agility course.
OSRS Rooftops (Need to play OSRS to find out, if this is a good idea)
Expand the Death Plateau Cave.
29-Jun-2023 10:16:38
- Last edited on
29-Jun-2023 10:20:01