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Hey and thanks for your input:
That what you're describing isn't really a feature it's just granted the fact that the game isn't unequipping the stuff you're wearing when switching to a f2p world. This doesn't just include skillcapes, but practically everything you could have equipped on a p2p world beforehand. I am not sure about whether having those capes added with a keysake key works though, as some overrides
disabled in f2p.
All keepsaked cosmetics work in f2p, regardless of the item's origin, but if a keepsaked p2p item has a custom walk animation, said animation won't work in f2p(ex. you can keepsake pogo stick, but in f2p you just hold it like a 2H sword-- no bouncy bouncy). Loyalty store cosmetics, circus items, the wings from Memorial to Guthix, the Templar outfit, Achievement Diary reward overrides(though they can be keepsaked, with those working in f2p no problem), gazes from the loyalty store, various p2p quest reward cosmetics, and some others are locked out of f2p. Heck, some items work in f2p worlds, but only while p2p. Which is weird, and makes me HOPE my precious Owari will still be available to me when my membership ends in January.
Replica items from Loyalty store, as well as the "War Robe" sets from the same store(and things like the Fox outfit), work in f2p, now I think about it, and even Menaphos overrides work in f2p, so, yeah it's rather inconsistent, and frankly, stupid. They should allow all earned cosmetic overrides to be 100% functional in f2p worlds. It's silly to take these away from lapsed members, especially when they are earned from D&D's, quests, and Achievement Diaries. We unlocked them, fair and square, and they don't have any impact on gameplay in f2p, so why take these away? It's hardly a selling point for p2p. Nobody buys membership just so they can wear specific overrides.
30-Jun-2018 01:55:26