Thanks for the print-screen of that Tenebri, was that a recent update? (I don't follow OSRS).
Hmm, interesting! maybe we will see something similar happen with Alt-1 and RS3.
Bob says:
A bank PIN will keep your items secure.
Always check the second trade screen.
Never trade in the Wilderness!
Keep your computer keylogger-free and virus scanned.
Never give your password out to anyone.
03-Mar-2022 18:54:06
- Last edited on
03-Mar-2022 18:56:41
Nope, they listened to the players just like they did with the HD update so i have to give credit when credit is due.
So hopefully the rs3 mods can do the same with Alt1.
Players also want free money, that doesn't mean Jagex should just lsiten to that and give it out. Not everything the community says is actually good for the game.
Kings Eastwood in
, and THE
music by Trewavio Morricone
Players also want free money, that doesn't mean Jagex should just lsiten to that and give it out. Not everything the community says is actually good for the game.
Yet just because a select few say something isnt, doesnt mean it truly isnt.
So if the osrs 3PC are good for the game, so is Alt1.
Players also want free money, that doesn't mean Jagex should just lsiten to that and give it out. Not everything the community says is actually good for the game.
Yet just because a select few say something isnt, doesnt mean it truly isnt.
So if the osrs 3PC are good for the game, so is Alt1.
So you are in favor of every suggestion on these forums then? Weird... I've seen you 'no support' many ideas. What makes it that what you say is good for the game also actually is good for the game?
Kings Eastwood in
, and THE
music by Trewavio Morricone