Mod Matthe
Our clan owner is inactive for over 2.5 years, probably banned.
Our clan is growing now and really needs a leader.
Please kick the inactive clan owner and give leadership to the active deputy ( = me ^^)
Clan name: Excilium
inactive clan owner: keyboard318 (please kick)
active deputy: Yeesha (for new clan owner please)
sorry for inconvenience and thank you very much for your help
kind regards
Your Clan Leader last logged in 11 months ago - as such your leader is not counted as Inactive for the criteria of this process. Please consider reapplying next month
I can't believe this... our clan leader left us alone for over 2,5 years (see also QFC 71-72-149-110180 in German forums), logged in ONCE 11 months ago, did nothing, has not been seen by anyone, but still counts as active?
I am desperately disappointed...
Nevertheless I will try again next month
05-Jan-2015 14:37:32
- Last edited on
07-Jan-2015 00:46:34
My clan founder gave ownership of the clan to a friend to hold for a period of time when they were going to be inactive and when they came back we found out that the person holding the clan ownership was banned. The original owner of the clan would like to have it back because of this, but the only members of the clan are myself and the banned owner. plz halp
Clan name: No Life Kings
Banned clan owner: sillies (please kick)
Mod Matthe
Thank you for this thread. I've become the de-facto clan owner since out official leader died a year ago and it's been difficult both organizationally and emotionally.
Our clan is Star Sages. If you could help us we'd appreciate it very much.
I have checked and your Inactive Leader meets the criteria - the replacement deputy is Mi Corazon who is an active player. I will pass the details to the DevCom1 team to be resolved accordingly*
***;center><img src="http://services.runescape.***/m=rswikiimages/en/2014/2/Jmod_crown-17095506.png"/><b>Mod MattHe</b>
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The clan leader in my clan (GAS) has been MIA for an extremely long amount of time. Apart from a out of the blue login a while back (not sure if this 12mths though).
We have been unsuccessful in reaching him for some time though (I am sure you can see that from his activity)
We don't necessarily want him kicked but it would be really helpful to have the owner changed we have been unable to access the new clan chat features due to his inactivity.
i have a very difficult situation going on with my old clan...
The leader account is a perm banned account, and every member of the clan is unactive and all ranked General so there is no deputy nor is there any active player...
ive restarted the clan with a different name Called Vice chat but we really want to have the old name back VICE but with a perm banned leader and no active player to take control i cant find a appropriate solution to obtain our old name
i hope you can help us out and find a possible solution to help us out by Removing the Clan ( My friend the owner of the perm banned leader account has all the login information for the leader account ) and he can give a permission if allowed to Remove the clan.
mod matthe the clan owner in my clan has been inactive for more than 12months and anyone else in the chain of command except for me and my friend rurof he's be active and in the clan for a pretty long time make him or me the new leader please?
The clan leader in my clan (GAS) has been MIA for an extremely long amount of time. Apart from a out of the blue login a while back (not sure if this 12mths though).
We have been unsuccessful in reaching him for some time though (I am sure you can see that from his activity)
We don't necessarily want him kicked but it would be really helpful to have the owner changed we have been unable to access the new clan chat features due to his inactivity.
Hoping you can help us out.
Thanks in advance
The last login from your Clan Owner was wihtin the last 12 months - I would recommend bringing this back to our attention in Mid March
Our clan name is 267. The owner/keyholder account name is Element A67. The owner's account was banned and has been inactive for a great deal of time with absolutely no chance of becoming active at any point in the future. We would ask that the key holder position be turned over to me, PixiFixie. I am the deputy owner and highest ranking clan member.
Clan Name: 267
Banned Clan Owner: Element A67
13-Jan-2015 23:17:13
- Last edited on
15-Jan-2015 20:13:57