If a player is inactive but still paying membership.. they shouldnt lose thier clan...thats why I have a made rank list... seems like pretty pathetic way to take over a players clan.
Once again jagex is messing with peoples accounts instead of updating soul wars and other neglected popular content.
If a player has been paying for one year of membership without logging in once during that year then he is an idiot and is not mentally capable of leading a clan.
I have lead my clan for long enough to know who the idiot's are in runscape.
~Wraith of 88~
If a player is inactive but still paying membership.. they shouldnt lose thier clan...thats why I have a made rank list... seems like pretty pathetic way to take over a players clan.
Once again jagex is messing with peoples accounts instead of updating soul wars and other neglected popular content.
It's different teams who work on clans as far as I know. They aren't content developers.
These systems are in place only to help struggling clans who are in need of effective administration. I don't see an issue for a player who is expecting to come back being unable to log in for a year.
After a so long of a leader's inactivity, clan members would most likely 'reform' or move elsewhere anyway, so at least it holds the clan back from dissolution (breaking apart to move elsewhere, perhaps segments of the clan making a new clan)
I see your point, but I left my clan in good hands, and my managment structure has held up fine, plan ahead people!
~Wraith of 88~
Our clan leader has been banned, he has verified. So as a clan we are struggling to progress. We have a number of co-owners including myself who can vouch for this. Please could you look into it; The clan name is "League of Ironmen". We are a leading ironman clan in terms of citadel tier and average total level so we would be hugely grateful if you could make me the clan owner. I shall get the other co-owners to comment after this post for verification.
Our clan leader is quite inactive for the past year(s). It's been a long time I'm deputy owner. I wonder if you could swap the leadership to me. I got the support of my fellow mates in the executive. The clan name : "free players".
the issue i have is that my clan leader got banned a few days ago.
now he told me i should contact a jmod to get me ( deputy owner at the moment) the owner rank.
banned clan owner: iGoat
clan name: New limits
my rank: deputy owner
I have created the clan Atlantis Academy with some friends of my main clan, Atlantis. But the owner of the Atlantis clan, Pedim, forgot the ******** of his fake account. Some time ago we decided to stop with the project of the second clan, but then we started it again and I need to have owner as I'm the unique deputy owner active in the academy. Could you please help me?
Clan name: Atlantis Academy
Clan owner: Pedim*inho
Hello Dudes,
I will support the inquiry of yeesha.
Our clan owner is inactive since over 2.5 years, probably banned.
Our clan is growing now and really needs a leader.
Please kick the inactive clan owner and give leadership to the active deputy ( = me ^^)
Clan name: Excilium
inactive clan owner: keyboard318 (please kick)
active deputy: Yeesha (for new clan owner please)
sorry for inconvenience and thank you very much for your help
kind regards
We are now a very fast growing clan, since some members of earlier clan-memberships joins the clan "Excilium". So we now be able du upgrade castle, but we can't, because the right-assesment is not given. We are looking in the future for developent clan. Our prefered clan-leader Yeesha, what a lovely person, will be done all for this clan after the clan-leader keyboard318 vanished. Please give us a chance to do this.