
Inactive Clan Owners Thread is locked

Quick find code: 135-136-684-65507718

Mod Matthe

Mod Matthe

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Your Leader4 said :
Clan Name: S S Infinity
Clan Leader: LudaFavorito
Deputy Owner: Your Leader4

Your Clan Leader has not yet been inactive for a year - we cannot process your request at this time.
Mod MattHe | Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey

15-Nov-2016 11:33:42 - Last edited on 15-Nov-2016 11:34:51 by Mod Matthe

Mod Matthe

Mod Matthe

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Mark e said :
clan name - gods of warr

clan leader - warrgoddess

deputy owner - m a r k i e

deputy owner - sancara - new clan leader plz

not quite sure if its been a year yet, tragically our leader died in a vehicle accident earlier in the year

While you have our sympathies for your loss your Clan Leader has not yet been inactive for a year - we cannot process your request at this time. If you could provide proof of their passing we might be able to overrule the standard rules in such a case - you would need to send those details to [email protected]
Mod MattHe | Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey

15-Nov-2016 11:37:20

Mod Matthe

Mod Matthe

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Duckie said :
Clan: FFDN
Owner: Cai
Deputy Owner: Duckie

If it has not been a year, please advise when to next try. Thank you.

It has not been a year - I would recommend trying again next month.
Mod MattHe | Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey

15-Nov-2016 11:42:17

Mod Matthe

Mod Matthe

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Bigboy9z said :
Hi MOD Matthe - I am currently deputy owner of 'ava slayers' - ower clan leader 'I am Vox' went missing over 12 months ago - this is according to the higher ranks and myself - The deputy leader that was 'Blossomey' is the current leaders partner in real life! she also has not been on line for over 10 months - We have activly tried to contact them both via skype and social media - MOD Maz was kind enough to help us out by ranking me to deputy owner a while ago and said to contact you if we still had not heard from our clan leader! I have the full support from the clan and higher ranks within the clan to take over - we are a level 7 clan and are very proud of our name and achievments - we all work hard and are very close as a clan.

Could you please help with this and maybe talk to MOD Maz to gather more information on this problem!

Kind Regards

Bigboy9z (Andy)

Your Clan Leader has been active within 2016 - I cannot therefore process your request for removal of inactive Clan Leader.
Mod MattHe | Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey

15-Nov-2016 11:44:11

Mod Matthe

Mod Matthe

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Kluthy Eyres said :

Our clan leader is inactive now for a long time and can't get a hold of him sadly.
We've talked things over with the other deputies, one only plays os, one is not active enough and one doesnt want to be the owner so i turned out to be the best choice here.

Clan name: Dutch Delight
Current leader: Nickster NL
New leader: Kluthy Eyres

thank you very much in advance =) and have a nice day.

Your application has been approved - I have requested the Inactive Clan Leader removal process for your Clan.
Mod MattHe | Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey

15-Nov-2016 11:46:18

Mod Matthe

Mod Matthe

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Clan: Team Exiled
Owner: Kendro
Deputy Owner: Superior V2

Owner hasn't been inactive for 12months but was perm banned around a month ago

Your application has been approved - I have requested the Inactive Clan Leader removal process for your Clan.
Mod MattHe | Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey

15-Nov-2016 11:47:30

Mod Matthe

Mod Matthe

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
J Krantz said :
The Kinshra Order currently has a perm banned leader. Requesting a transfer of leadership to the highest ranked player in the clan (Overseer), as we would very much like to keep the name, and resume our clan activities.

Thanks in advance

Clan: The Kinshra Order
Current Leader: Ppanda96
New Leader: Studicanixin

Your application has been approved - I have requested the Inactive Clan Leader removal process for your Clan.
Mod MattHe | Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey

15-Nov-2016 11:48:59

Mod Matthe

Mod Matthe

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Bill Teach said :
Clan: Republic of Varrock
Owner: An Unkown
Deputy Owner: Bill Teach

I know it hasnt been a year yet but he's been 'inactive' ever since he was promoted to owner letting Sxy Beard do stuffs but he dropped the off the radar as well... We've been pretty inactive as it is due to the previous owner xwildxflower being inactive for almost a year. I've tried making contact w/the other deputy owner Sxy Beard & the current owner Unkown via skype, email and discord but nothing. If we wait a few months for Unkown to of been offline for a year then we'll likely of moved on. It's been months since we've been able to progress stuffs.

Edit: After talking it over w/some of our members we're most likely going to try and dissolve the clan & move on while maintaining a fc to keep in touch w/each other.

Your Clan Owner last was active last month - on that basis I cannot process your request for inactive clan owner removal.
Mod MattHe | Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey

15-Nov-2016 11:51:18

Mod Matthe

Mod Matthe

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Jones said :
I was told that I should wait toward the end of the year to request this, and I see now that my last post had been in August, whereas the last time that Green logged in was in Sept, according to RuneClan.

Therefore, since it has now been a year, I would kindly request that ownership of Kia Kaha be transferred to Jones, as the last remaining and most active deputy owner.

I sincerely appreciate the consideration.


Your request to take ownership of the Clan has been disputed. While we are able to remove the inactive Clan Leader we would need agreement from the current deputies as to who the ownership would be transferred too.
Mod MattHe | Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey

15-Nov-2016 12:42:45

Mod Matthe

Mod Matthe

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Ageclan said :
Clan: AGE
Inactive leader: SassyGemini
Deputy owner: ageclan
New Leader: JoshBJoshB

JoshBJoshB is currently the active leader. Please make him the active leader.

Your application has been approved - I have requested the Inactive Clan Leader removal process for your Clan.
Mod MattHe | Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey

15-Nov-2016 13:11:54

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