He forgot to mention my annexation of Time (one of my proudest acquisitions) which, in truth, only came about as a by-product of my desire to annex Eurypterids - a prehistoric species of arthropods - as I thought they might come in useful at a later date. I was going to market them as sushi but got distracted by the outbreak of The War of The Feather.
Don't take any notice of Corugi's mewlings about being sold into slavery. It was a good idea but, frankly, I couldn't even give him away; too many people know about his penchant for roadkill cuisine and the ensuing halitosis.
So if you have annexed time, you must know what I shall post next then? Please show me your unlimited power!
Kings Eastwood in
, and THE
music by Trewavio Morricone
No, I'm sorry but I cannot do that. With great power comes great responsibility and, even though I would like to condemn humanity to eternal damnation in pits of fire and brimstone, I am above all a truly wise and honourable person and must guard you from yourselves.
You really ought to vote me in as President (for life) of the Entire World.
Since 'Rugi will be eating his dinner off the floor in there later, best make sure it's spotless m'boy or you shall receive a goshdarned good flogging, despite being our Spymaster General.
Now that I am elected President of the Entire World I will be chivvying all of you to meet my high expectations.