The threat of a jolly good and catastrophic
is off, I'm afraid. In one masterful stroke he crafty whipped out a deftly concealed SNITCH™ card and thus all my crafty plans were thrown into utter disarray.
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Trying to bribe one of the judges, eh? The penalty of that is not being allowed to witness any ceremony ever.
Now stop derailing the thread, or I’ll have September 2019’s MUPAQ™ nominee Tufty have your posts removed.
Obviously it is time for me to step down and pass the mantle of SUPREME GUARDIAN OF EXECUTIVE SILLINESS onto one much more deserving. I nominate Tophurious. Is he willing to accept such a soul crushing burden of irresponsibility?
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.
07-Sep-2019 17:16:52
- Last edited on
07-Sep-2019 17:17:10