Preventing is the best you can do and also handling things with necessary strictness and humour. Many loved me because of smile. Being nice and fair is best protection (:
Some people avoid me because I laughed at their stupidity and made the others laugh too, and some others never want to upset me because of love or fear. Or both.
I agree that standards aren't high in game nowadays and certain players can do or say a lot ugly things before getting caught. Many times I felt the same: It's not enough. But I can imagine some reasons why it is like that right now and so I had hard time adapting the lowered standards myself too.
But still I say, doing your own things nicely and preventing the trolls invasion and drama is best you can do.
Recruit carefully
Pick ranks carefully
Avoid trolls and rude people
Count in that even if you personally can laugh at some bad jokes or see through some situations your best supporters and co workers can get hurt, be disappointed, confused, mad at it, see it unfair if certain things keep happening
The leaders standards and wisdom needs to impress the members. Your enemies sense it too, is it good to fight you or it's rather loss? I've found that biggest loss is meet someone great and then prove that you're boring, stupid, annoying. Make bullies feel that they can't win even if they win. They lose your respect and it feels like real loss. You walk in to sunshine and leave them behind like weak shadows.
Be polite but avoid other clans and people who bring bad vibes
Some people just doesn't fit together, you can't blame either side
If you don't know what to do or say, take little time for thinking or remember this situation and figure out how to react next times you see the same or similar. Being prepared helps a lot, being humorous and nice helps even more (:
Really, it's hard to hate someone who is sincerely good person, you'll feel ashamed doing it.
05-Jun-2016 00:52:06