@ Ninmci
I appreciate everything Jagex and its mods does for us, as players and clans, they did not have to make a CLF, nor do they have to react to us, but they do and that is in my opinion beneficial to us and to them.
However, I still have a bit of a hard time with a total clan-administration overhaul being planned, discussed and promised, only to be nixed after.
I understand there are priorities and things change, but is it not also understandable that this makes us, or at least some of us, as clanleaders and members feel not taken seriously.
On top of that, the clansystem is in desperate need of an update, there are potentially disastrous holes in the permissions and we even have a clan-noticeboard that has been broken literally.. for ever.
But.. that is not a subject for this thread and I actually have some hope Jagex will eventually fix these things, at their own pace. Maybe OS getting clans is that time.
Here we have a J-mod, taking us seriously, asking for constructive feedback and I for one think that is a lot better then tantrums.. and yes.. i know.. I am not totally blameless in that department in the past.
It would be nice to hear what Mod Maz thinks about the feedback he got till now. I for one think there were some very good ideas, a few pages ago, but not much new since then.
Maybe we already reached a good conclusion back then!
To me this conclusion is :
- Make two separate systems.
- Allow players to join 2 different clans, 1 in OS , 1 in RS3
- Allow players to join both clans at all times, regardless of what generation of the game they play.
- Make this feature optimal for both clans and players.
On top of this allowing players in OS to guest in RS3 clans and vice versa seems to be something that some people would appreciate as well as a smiley rank for approved guests.
22-Mar-2016 21:38:30