First of, thanks again Mod Maz, for seriously looking at this.
I like the way Progs is looking at this.
Two separate systems, where OS players themselves decide ( with Jagex obviously) what features they will, and will not have, but with access from both types of game to both clanchats. Not as a guest, but as a full fledged ranked member, if they are a member of the clan of course.
I do not see a problem with people being in 2 clans, one RS3, one OS, since there is no direct competition between clans that are in 2 different systems.
Like Progs I favor a button that can be moved/ taken of. No need for those not interested to have them.
About names of clans, as a gut-feeling I would not want an other clan to be called The Tavern, the name is part of our 10 year history, but.. my head tells me it would be unfair to OS to exclude all these 1000's of names already taken by RS3 clans.
Besides, there are already at least 2 copycats anyway, 1 even with the same capedesign and a similar welcome text..
If Jagex wants to address Uwfootball1's comment then they could allow existing clans, of sufficient size, to put a temporary claim on their own name for OS.
If not, then it will be like when Jagex made the current system, I had a group of people ready and waiting to make the clan and claim our name.
16-Mar-2016 17:22:38