If I look at the 2 seperate games and if I were to made to give an idea for my improved version of using elements of both, I'd have it mostly based on Old School with RS3 graphics, clan system improved to encourage a healthy community based on working together not solo, it is a mmo afterall.... the quests from RS3, no micro-transactions, and the money pouch and toolbelt idm too much either, but I like an element of risk and dying having significance.
But in the end it is a business and they probably make a lot more from RS3 recurring memberships and micro-transactions than they do from Old School.
I think Jagex do not understand that it is not nostalgia that drives people to play Old School, it's cleaner gameplay and PvP, which is why allowing rs3 graphics on it wouldn't be the end of the world, but maybe poll them about changing the looks of armours. And feeling part of something bigger, a team, a clan, a community, people love that.
(I barely play anymore but have spent the past week playing Old School and have enjoyed my time despite not having any friends on it who still play)
Edit: Also playing in a game where not everyone is basically maxed helps. So maybe I wouldn't put a level limit like 99 and allow people to level beyond it
26-Jan-2017 06:06:03
- Last edited on
26-Jan-2017 06:08:26
Lord Courage