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Only Lilly
May Member 2007

Only Lilly

Posts: 5,887 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Consentus offers real life events all over the Uk,we have busy offsite forums, Facebook and Twitter.

The Clan is the only reason I play the game and I spend more time running the Clan than playing the game now.

Jmods give us empty promises, a prime example is where I handed letters regarding a fellow Clan owner, I was promised by Mod Mark, Mod Kelvin and Mod Osbourne that they would read the letter and get back to me, in fact Mod Osbourne asked me to tweet and remind him. Once again I was ignored even though I tweeted numerous times I was ignored.

I take running Consentus seriously as do my fellow owners and this clan is a massive part of my life.

I hope that 2016 is the year to boost clans but I somehow doubt it. We will carry on running our Clans to the best of our ability and I hope our concerns are taken seriously and not brushed to one side.

I would be interested in being part of a working party of Clan Leaders working towards making Clans a better place to be.

What Jagex seem to forget that each Clan leader wants the best for our Clans.

I hope all our opinions are listened to and taken seriously, not as a direct criticism but as positive requests to help us in running successful Clans.
Proud to say Clan Consentus is now 13 Years old and still going strong.

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10-Nov-2015 19:28:24

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 76,250 Emerald Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zyphix said :
Don't throw towels - throw fits.

Don't do either, throwing in the towel doesnt tell Jagex anything but throwing fits just makes you look immature and does nothing to make your point either.
"When history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals itself... first, as a dark demon. As a demon, it uses its power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies. However, after a period of slumber, Razgriz returns, this time, as a great hero"

11-Nov-2015 05:45:25

Sep Member 2010


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Norne said :
Zyphix said :
Don't throw towels - throw fits.

Don't do either, throwing in the towel doesnt tell Jagex anything but throwing fits just makes you look immature and does nothing to make your point either.
You don't know me, but I joke alot. By "fits" I was referencing what brought back '07ish-Scape and multiple other things.
Void Nation
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11-Nov-2015 06:44:37

Mod Matthe

Mod Matthe

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Only Lilly said :
Rarely do I read a thread on the CLF and agree with every reply. (Well nearly)

I find none of you patronising on any level. Its been a pleasure that as a body of people we are singing from the same hymn sheet.

Consentus is not in any danger of dying I am happy to say, but I become increasingly more frustrated with the way the whole game is becoming AFK. To generate any conversation at times is like pulling teeth, and often have a conversation with myself, when someone chirps up "sorry I was afk, watching a film or even more common playing another game.

Clans have been neglected more and more, I think Jagex see no revenue in them, so why waste time on them?

I still cannot see the point in the cool off period, this was to me where the lack of understanding with running a clan started.

Clan mutes, are vital to me, or find a way to temporarily kick a member as a short term ban.

Citadels? Its been made crystal clear they have no intention of extending plots, we have now a complete Maxed Citadel, so now what? As a Clan, we never have events inside the Citadel, theatre , battle field have never or rarely used. Why would the Clan gather to cap and have events? The rewards are minimal and the way the game become easier/ quicker again what is the point? When Citadels first arrived we all capped and enjoyed working together.

Does anyone use the jobs on the Clan ranks apart from the Avatar warden?

As for the Clan Cup, once again we couldnt muster a team, the attitude us why bother when the high rank Clans will always have the advantage.

The game becomes more based on favourtism, where Jmods have Clans and promote their own clans and the people within them, much the same as FC where the majority of ranks will have Pmod status. The smaller run clans are falling by the wayside and are neglected, where the owners feel frustrated with the interest shown in them.

While I understand your wish to take direct physical action through a letter that will always be a less than optimal route - neither of Mod Osborne or Mod Mark can take action in such a matter and it is more than likely that Mod Kelvin would have to speak to Mod Maz or myself in order to resolve a matter relating to Clans or Clan Leaders.

If you still wish to raise the issue then please send a copy of your letter to and I will look into it immediately.

As a side note: which JMod led clans are you referring to and what promotion of them? The favouritism you describe is certainly not my experience. (I am a member of a clan on my personal account. A member. Not even an admin. And the Clan Leaders are not aware of my status as a JMod and that is the case for almost all JMod's personal accounts :) )
Mod MattHe | Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey

11-Nov-2015 08:15:37

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 53,398 Emerald Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
*sigh* Looks like I'm about to add to my reputation for posting stuff that doesn't make me popular...

What I see on this thread is not frustration, but excessive entitlement, far too much whining, and far too little that is constructive.

Clans existed long before anything like clan chats, citadels or this forum existed. They don't need Jagex to operate. Indeed, by definition a clan IS ITS PLAYERS, not the structure in which they play or the tools available to them.

People need to concentrate on that instead of just saying "give me!" all the time.

Only Lilly said :
The smaller run clans are falling by the wayside and are neglected, where the owners feel frustrated with the interest shown in them.

This is a prime example of what I mean - clans DO NOT require interest from Jagex to work, to be useful, to be relevant, and to be something their members want to be a part of.

Clans disappear for many reasons, the vast majority of which have nothing to do with Jagex. Others rise to take their place. Some just go on for years and years and years.

Instead of using their energy to get all bitter and angry at Jagex, people should invest it in improving their clan's atmosphere, events, website, recruitment, or strategy for retaining members. You know, something that's actually useful .
~~~~ Just another victim of the ambient morality ~~~~

~~ Founder of the Caped Carousers quest cape clan ~~

!! Slava Ukraini - heroyam slava !!

11-Nov-2015 10:34:06

Mar Member 2018


Posts: 25,434 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Archaeox said :

Only Lilly said :
The smaller run clans are falling by the wayside and are neglected, where the owners feel frustrated with the interest shown in them.

Instead of using their energy to get all bitter and angry at Jagex, people should invest it in improving their clan's atmosphere, events, website, recruitment, or strategy for retaining members. You know, something that's actually useful .

Its about improving gameplay experience and yes while Jagex doesnt need to be involved for clans to exist they can go a long way in improving that experience, thats what good game developers do.

Theres only so much we as leaders can do to create the best community experience possible.

Events: events are great if theres actually quality content to be involved with doing, minigames for example are for the most part dead, unrewarding and items that have been shoved into MTX couldve helped as reward.

Recruiting: its pretty basic for sure but theres also few basic things to help improve it but what we got instead is something that hinders it, majority of people want cool down gone but its not even considered because some super sensitive, top secret, none disclosure, we will all be shot if we found out about it statistics suggest that "its a state of health update" whatever that means.

Member retaining: would be a lot easier if we had tools to deal with issue within our chats.

Its not as if we are asking for loads, just a few updates we have actually asked for and consider important would be nice with some consultation. Last two clan updates have been without our knowledge and things that we dont want.

I can understand more casual gamers who want to start a clan or who want to keep their clans running might have a tougher time than those of us who play more and for them it would be nice to support them.
. .•*(¸.•*´(¸.•*´+`*•.¸)`*•.¸)*•.

11-Nov-2015 11:42:14 - Last edited on 11-Nov-2015 12:16:03 by Scret

Jan Member 2005


Posts: 4,899 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
To be honest, comparing the CLF to other specialist forums (e.g. the HLF), we receive far more attention from JMods - MattHe & Maz (as well as the others that pop in here occasionally) actually respond to threads.

The answers might not be the answers we necessarily want, but simply that we actually have threads read & questions answered is far greater interaction than pretty much every other feedback forum on the RSOF.

11-Nov-2015 15:32:09

Mar Member 2018


Posts: 25,434 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I dont blame mods for not responding in HLF lol
. .•*(¸.•*´(¸.•*´+`*•.¸)`*•.¸)*•.

11-Nov-2015 15:38:28

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