After reading more or less every post, apart from personally preferring scret's idea (sorry if I typoed)
Based on what I know of coding, most of the proposed solutions would be quite difficult even without the complexity of the clan code that I assume.
Making a new rank is fairly complicated and with the technical side of other cooldowns, an alternative sort of mix of the systems that I thought of was a pseudo-guest.
Basically, you can immediately rejoin clans (which solves having to fix this kicking issue and guesting). But you have the permissions of guests in a way, this can either literally copy the guest permissions so you can't do any clan-related thing apart from not spamming guest enter/left, and get a recruit rank.
-Guests cannot get orts/make a cooldown on getting sorts
-Guests cannot cap at the citadel
-Guests cannot get the RCW badge
Dash - Founder of the
NomNom Family
| T7 + 3 Avatars | Recruiting Social and mature members |
Any chance we could get an update from
Mod Matthe/Mod Maz
on your thoughts on the recent ideas presented? My thinking is, if any of the recent/unaddressed ideas are technically feasible maybe we can hone in a little better. We can then work together to polish what is feasible into one
Master Idea
that is a good compromise to fixing both clan management issues (recruiting), and Jagex run clan events (clan cup).
I am sorry.
I have been reading but my week has been incredibly busy (new computer to set up, intern recruiting and scrum master for DEVCOM1 as well as normal work). Thus I have not been able to reply in detail yet. I do intend on doing so as soon as is squirrelly possible.
Mod Maz
Queen of the Squirrels
RS Training & Developer Lead
Mod Maz
intern recruiting
Just a thought but as many RS players are based in America, it could be very profitable to open a branch in America and recruit interns here as well... Just going to throw this out there and let the idea go where it may
I have a feeling this person knows the rules here very well.
Is that sarcasm I sense?
I'll respond on this post so as to not clog this good thread up with spam. No, I think this is a regular CLF'er who's posting to cause trouble over the recent removal of two player's CLF access.
In either case I could be wrong, but I think he knows the rules here very well, but is choosing not to follow them.