Clan owner, The True Empire
My story is, I started playing runescape again in early 2013 then got recruited by my current clan. My clan has a long history going back to 2011 under different names but keeping many of the same members, and it's worth saying each chat was exceptionally eventful and massive back then.
After joining The True Empire I immediately proved to be very active, played a lot of hours, spoke in the chat and hosted many events. I learned my clans rules/system inside and out over time, and wanted to have an avatar out more often, so i campaigned for a leadership role so it could be granted to me.
Instead, the owner sent me off to be a founder in an expansion chat. I built up it's citadel and lead it in a mirror image more or less of the main chat. I was pretty much the only active leader of 2 large chats for many months, and lead both chats mostly on my own. A time came where the owner made a 3rd chat and I was left having to lead that one too, which did not work out too good after a few months.
Eventually, on Jan 31st 2014, the owner retired, and passed on ownership to me in the main chat. I was promoted from Council Leader to a new position called the Emperor. After, this i took over the other chats by calling for a merger.
I very much enjoy my clan and i would definitely not have bought the 3rd weeks membership when i started this account 2 years ago. I would have quit the game hands down if it weren't for the community i now lead, that sucked me in.
17-Dec-2014 10:12:05