Clan Citadels are not evil - they are not content that works for all clans, or players, but then neither are quests or bosses or new skills. We each find the bits of the game that works for us and play in that bit.
Citadels are not compulsary - sure they important to some people and some clans, and have some great features for some styles of play, but no one is forced to do Citadels. If clans want to set a cap requirement then that is part of what a clan chooses to do, but you are always free to go to a new clan that does not impose those restrictions if you want as a player. Or not be part of a clan at all.
I am a member of a clan. The clan has no idea who I am. I am quiet in clan chat but I cap most weeks, depending on real life work loads. No one shouts at me.
Mod MattHe |
Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey
I as a clan leader Enjoy capping despite I am capped in all cit skills . I find my self disappointed when I am finish cause I enjoy it . the point of the citadel was for clan members to come together and cap . Most my members ask me when tick is cause they want to cap again >.<
Mod Matthe
I am a member of a clan. The clan has no idea who I am. I am quiet in clan chat but I cap most weeks, depending on real life work loads. No one shouts at me.
*looks suspiciously at Mod MattHe*
English, caps most weeks... no, I think I saw most of my clannies who could possibly qualify for that description at RuneFest, thus demonstrating themselves not to be you, whom I also saw.
Instant caps (especially as drops) sound ridiculous and defeat the purpose completely.
I think most of the capping issues clans face come from leadership mismanagement (i.e. cap slavery).
People are far more likely to hate capping and avoid it like the plague when they feel like it's something they are constantly forced to do, as opposed to a natural and non-oppressive or non-artificial approach.
We've never had an issue with capping/dilapidation at all as we follow the natural approach, which always leads to a happier, healthier and more relaxed environment and a feeling of love towards the clan (and its citadel as a result) where people cap only because they really want to (and aren't told to or have someone breathing down their neck), otherwise it's seen as a chore.
instant maybe not, but i do find this an exelent reward for bounty hunter/Dm match. I love pking and grieving but it is generally no reward... so something useful for a change is also very welcome
Mini-games, minigames. I love you click
if you do too!
Mod Matthe
I am a member of a clan. The clan has no idea who I am. I am quiet in clan chat but I cap most weeks, depending on real life work loads. No one shouts at me.
*looks suspiciously at Mod MattHe*
English, caps most weeks... no, I think I saw most of my clannies who could possibly qualify for that description at RuneFest, thus demonstrating themselves not to be you, whom I also saw.
Guess you're not one of mine.
No, not one of yours.
Mod MattHe |
Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey
Mod Matthe
No, not one of yours.
MattHe's personal account is in a somewhat small-ish clan that doesn't have communication with CLF
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