Everything Mod Jack talked about The Raptor must be true, not just can be true because he is the Creator of The Raptor character.
Every NPC and the player character has the past, the present and the future. We all have our past, nightmares included. The dream showed Ellamaria's Nightmare in the past. She has lived the past, of course, so she knew what happened.
After weeping in front of the graves of her parents, Ellamaria found herself in The Raptor's outfits. That's the present time Raptor.
However, when Roald appeared and died, that's the event in the future, something Ellamaria or The Raptor has no idea yet, of course she can't prevent anything from happening, because it hasn't happened yet. And this is perhaps the most interesting revelation to the Misthalin Storyline.
We always have Crandor and Elvarg in our past story line. It doesn't mean we can't see more references to Crandor or Elvarg, but bygones are bygones, just like the garbage we get from panning in the Varrock Digsite. As long as they don't add anything to our ongoing adventures they are just part of our histories but not the present and future storylines.
27-Jul-2023 16:43:20