"Anima has a way of directing your race away from her children," Umbra stated somewhat absently, his tail flicking. "Her domain is the soul and your kind have souls, so she may influence where you hunt during a particular raid. I do suspect she would be far more familiar with the current Elunian mountains than I as the soulbinding ritual of her children requires travelling to those mountains. Although I should mention in my time those sects were always of a... darker sort. The kind hunted down and driven out of society."
The ancient yawned cavernously, glancing back toward Rhen. "Hm, I suppose that's reasonable... I'll just have to conjure up other pranks to amuse myself. Although I quite strongly doubt the entirity of my kind together could end the world so quickly. I'd think it would take us at least a week. Perhaps a century if we start bickering, which would be likely."
"That actually might be quite likely," Caelidorus murmured quietly. "I set the changes in motion to those under our rule although I can't exactly know how far they've been carried out at the moment. For a human to enter our ranks... well, I think it'd be quite logical you'd be chosen to play a major role in negotiations. But... well, yes. I'm about as sure as I can be about a thing such as this. Although I think it would be prudent to speak with Soul about what exactly will happen rather than simply jumping in."
Animus became silent, likely resuming his surveying.
"I'd think it best to cross over after we return to the Soulbound," Forlirn stated, joining in on the conversation. "I don't believe the mountains have changed greatly from Umbra's memory; they are still rumored to be home to dark mages and necromantic cults. We can gather as much fish for food as we can carry and it can last if somebody knows how to smoke it properly. Other supplies... doubt we'll find anything until we're south of the mountains."
25-May-2015 21:59:04