Fairy Dragon (by Mage Meister)
These dragons are extremely small, only being between two and two and a half feet long when fully grown--which is at the age of 200 years. They are considered one of the most magical dragon species, for they are able to create illusions to trick people using all their senses; for example, they can make you think you’re drowning in water, or make you see bright lights. None of the illusions are harmful, though. They’re really only used to trick people, as the fairy dragons put it, for they’re quite the tricksters.
Another power they have is the ability to go invisible for up to ten minutes. This comes in handy when running away since they aren’t aggressive dragons due to their small size. Finally, their last power, is that they can make their main scale color change, but they must keep the color for a minimum of twenty-four hours. But, unfortunately, none of their magic powers work when in their human form.
Their wings are something besides their small size that differs them from normal dragons. Their wings, instead of having the membranes, have just a smooth surface on the top with patterns on it similar to those on a moth’s or butterfly’s wings. Some even have wings in the shapes of these, which allows them to fly extremely quick. On a few rare occasions, they even have dragonfly wings.
01-Aug-2011 08:25:57
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01-Aug-2011 08:57:55